Chapter 1

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Liam woke up this morning to the sound of birds chirping.

He smiled brightly as he ran to the loo and began his daily routine.

He smiled as he ran to his wardrobe and found a red white and blue plaid shirt, with red chinos.

He smiled as he put on his white converses, tying them up.

He smiled as he grabbed his phone from the table, checking the time.

He smiled as it was 15 minutes till he had to leave.

He smiled as he went downstairs to find food on the table.

His smile descended as he found a note next to the food.

As he began reading the note he smiled even bigger!

' I have finally gotten that job Li! I have went off on my first day of work! I have know idea when I get off, but I hope I get off in time for supper!

If not then I'm sorry baby. There's money on the table next to this note.

Better get going Li! Don't be late!

~ K x '

He smiled as he are his breakfast.

He smiled as he cleaned up.

He smiled as he left the house, not forgetting to lock the door.

He smiled as he made it to school and to his first class on time.

He smiled as he was the only one there until the bell rang and 1st block started.


"Good morning class! It's the first day of school! Are you excited for grade 12?" The teacher said.

A lot of cheering went on.

"Settle down. My name is Mrs. Linda. This is block 1 Math. There are no rules in here but, do not call me 'Mrs.' , 'Oi teacher!' , or 'Linda'. You will respect me and these other students like you would do to your mums." Mrs. Linda said smiling.

"Now, lets go around the room and say our First names, one thing about us, and what subject do we lack in." She said pointed to a kid with red ginger hair.

"Hi! My name is Edward, but you can call me Ed. I like to sing, and I lack in mostly Math." He said smiling slightly.

"Name's Jessie. I like to Draw, and I lack in Science." This goth girl name Jessie said.


So-on-and-so forth it was Liam's turn.

He has never spoke out in front of anybody without stuttering. Maybe he won't this time.

"H-Hello, my name is Liam. I lack in P.E. I am afraid of spoons." He said blushing like a tomato.

Everyone laughed at the spoon thing.

"Hey! Stop! No making fun of Liam! If I may add, I am afraid of Napkins!" A false blond said standing up.

"And what might your name be, sir?" Mrs. Linda asked.

"Niall. I lack in P.E. too, and I'm afraid of Napkins." Niall said smiling big.

"You sure?" Mrs. Linda asked.

Niall just shook his head, "Im not afraid of anything! I really am not! I swear! But I just felt like people shouldn't make fun of Li because of his fear. I know someone who's afraid of soap! I just don't know how they shower!"

The teacher just smiled as everyone laughed along with Niall, and not at him, nor Liam.


Almost everyone went except for those in the back.

Which were only two boys.

"Sir? It's your turn." Mrs. Linda said.

"Harry. Nothing. Math" Harry said smirking as some girls swooned over his deep voice.

He rarely talked unless the question was asked to him.

He is a bad boy, but he knows to respect his elders.

As for the Dark-hair boy sitting next to him.

"You next." She said pointing at him.

He smirked at Harry and whispered 'watch this'

"I'm Zayn, for all of you that didn't know. I am afraid of nothing. And I lack nothing in romance skills, but put me in school, it's got to be Math." Zayn said winking at a couple of girls making them scream slightly.

As Liam heard Harry's and Zayn's voice he thought it was soothing.

How they were deep, and everyone else's were high-pitch or medium.

"Well Zayn and Harry. It's a pop quiz." Mrs. Linda said smirking.

The door opened and in came a man.

"Hello class! Mrs. L. Im Mr. Daniel. We have a new student." Mr. Daniel said as he pointed behind him.

Everyone looked at nothing but air.

"Oh. Hold on, he's a little shy." Then he went out and in came a boy about 5'8 with glasses and hair like the wind.

"His name is Tomlinson-"

"It's Louis sir." A small voice said.

"My bad. This is Lewis Tomlinson and he just came from Donnie. Give him a warm welcome." Mr. Daniel said, then he walked out.

"Well, Louis, introduce yourself." Mrs. Linda said smiling.

'She heard me? Most people get my name wrong!' Louis thought to himself.

"My name is Louis. I like superman. And I wear glasses...?" He said not sure on what to say in front of everyone.

"What subject do you lack in Mr. Superman." Mrs. Linda said smiling.

"It has got to be... Science." And with that Louis went an found a seat next to Niall.


Harry looked at Zayn and give him that look.

A look that meant 'Fresh meat. He's innocent'

And there they were on their first victim.

And they were off to do their pop quiz, barley passing.


This is the first begining!!!!

Is it good?


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