Chapter 14

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Um........ MrsDirection is okay! She will be writing again soon! Or may take a break.


Louis and Niall left to go bother someone new, As Niall likes to call it.

"So, there's left overs wa-"

The door bell rung.

"I hate that shit!" Liam cursed aloud. After he realised what he said his hands shot up to cover his mouth.

"Bad Liam!" Harry scolded on his way to the door.

"Hey Z! Guess what! Liam just said his first bad word!" Harry's slow voice rang through the house.

"WHAT? I missed it!?" Zayn yelled, running toward the sitting room.

"Say it again!" Zayn demanded causing Liam to giggle.

"I bet you lied to me Harry! He's still fucking innocent." Zayn huffed.

"I'll be back!" Harry called out.

Soon the door shut.

Zayn cleared his throat, "So.... Did you really curse?"

Liam shook his head no while pressing the clicker to turn on the Telly.

"Fucking Liar." Zayn mumbled watching the movie Jaws.

"Hey Zee?" Liam said after a couple o minutes passed by.

Zayn hummed.

"I uh....." Liam paused.

Should I ask him? Would he think I'm weird?

"Yeah?" Zayn said forcing Liam to continue.

"When's your... birthday?" Liam struggled to say.

'I should have told him! 'He thought.

"Next month." and with that, it was quiet.

Both wondering Where's Harry?


Seconds turned into minutes.

As minutes turned into half hours.

As Half hours turn into--

Ding Dong!

"That fucking bell!" Liam swore. He didn't realise he did until Zayn scream.


Liam's hands shot straight to him mouth, his eyes blown wide.

'Not again!' He scolded in his mind.

"I need to tell everyone about this! Our innocent puppy has turned...... Bad." Zayn said with the most straightest face.

Liam ran to the door, almost swearing again as he saw who it was.

"You know how much I hate that bell Harry! And yet you rang it!" Liam yelled as Harry walked in.

"And the door was bloody open!"

"So you must have heard it, huh Zayn?" Harry called from the kitchen, getting plates and cups for the Chinese he just brought.

"Yeah! He said 'That fucking bell!' And he didn't even realise it until I yelled 'You fucking cursed!' Pretty funny actually." Zayn called back.

"No fair! I heard him swear Shit!" Harry pouted walking toward both boys in the sitting room.

"Soon, he's going to change into tighter shirts, boxers, skinny jeans! Next he's going to cut his hair, then get some.... Fucking arrow tattoo on his right arm, to represent us, his friends, then, he's going to have ever girl throwing themselves at him because of his new look, and everyone's going to be guilty because they bullied him in the latter years." Zayn said taking a plate and putting noodles on his plate and grabbing a pair of chop sticks.


As they finished they decided to relax.

"Li!" Harry whined.

"Zee!" Liam whined giggling a little.

"Lirry!" Zayn scream causing all to laugh.

They all fell into a comforting silence.

Or maybe......... Happy things aren't always.... Happy.

Liam cuddling into Zayn's side, while Harry is watching them.

'I can't do this anymore' Zayn thought.

"Li?" Zayn sighed.

"Yeah, Zee? Something up?" Liam replied slightly concerned.

Zayn stole a glance at Harry and stood up,"I can't do this anymore."

Liam glance at Zayn, confusion written all over his innocent face, while Harry on the other hand stiffened.

'Don't do this Zayn, Not now!' Harry hissed in his mind.

"Can't Do what Zaynie?" Liam asked standing up and placing a hand on Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn flinched, tears falling from his eyes, "This, Liam. This!"

"I can't do this anymore." Zayn muttered.

'Oh my gosh! This seems just like my dream the other day!' Liam thought, freaking out.

"I can't sit here and listen to you talk about how your life has gotten better since we became your friends! I know you forbid to curse, until now, but you're taking risks Liam! Risks! Just months ago you were sitting there, socially awkward and stuttering, while Harry and I are over here......." Zayn trailed off knowing if he said anything else, the truth would spill.

"You a-and Harry are over here... What Zayn? W-What?" Liam stuttered. He didn't like this conversation at all.

"Acting." Zayn sighed.

"Acting? Z-Zayn? I- I- I don't understand. Make more sense!" Liam begged.

'No no nooooo!' Liam cried in his head.

"Liam, I know Harry will hate me for this but......." Zayn sighed. It's either now or never.

'Never Zayn! Never! We can forget about the bet! Just dont!' Harry pleaded in his head.

"Will you go out with me?"


I decided to make Liam's dream real

(But tell me if you could spot the difference in Liam's real dream, and the reality.)

I've talked to MrsDirection about it and she told me yes.

She also had me read her what I wrote and she told me to include this in this Note.

She said

"Sadly, my lovelies, this story is coming to an end. I know it all seemed too short, but that's how it is! There may or may not be a sequel. Depending on how the ending may go, there will be a sequal. Stay tuned. Love you all! And yes, I'm fine! Don't feel sorry for me because I don't want sympathy. It makes me mad. Bye!"

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