Chapter 15

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I was supposed to update Sunday. Anywho, it really late and I don't wanna go home...... I'm in the hospital visiting my lass<3 She's doing fine.


"Will you go out with me?"

Liam froze.

Harry sighed in relief.

Zayn was still waiting on an answer.

"WAIT WHAT?" Harry yelled, just realising what Zayn asked.

"I asked Liam to be my boyfriend..." Zayn said quietly.

Liam was in shock.

Zayn wants me to be his boyfriend? But I like Harry. Wait, what?

"I uh.." Liam stood up.

"It's alright Li, you don't have to give me an answer right away. I'll give you time." With that, Zayn walked over to Liam and gave him a tender kiss on his cheek. His lips lingering longer than a friendly kiss.

Zayn backed away slowly, walking out of the door.

Harry stood up, "I-I'm gonna go. See you tomorrow m-mate."

Liam was left alone.

Alone to soak in sorrow.

Why was he going to do?

And where was his mum in all of this?


The next day came, Monday to be exact.

Liam's mum came home last night, she forgot to tell Liam she wouldn't be home yesterday, due to visiting her own Mum.

"Li? Liam! Get up! Time for school!" Liam's mum called from down stairs.

He groaned. He didn't et any sleep last night, scared that today would come quicker.

He heard his mums soft, but loud footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Li? Love? Get up." She cooed softly.

"M-Mum?" Liam coughed, "Is that you?"

"Yeah babe. I came home last night." She said softly.

"May I stay home today, p-please?" He asked quietly.

"Liam." She said in a warning tone.

"But I never asked to stay home ever Mum! Please!" He cried out.

"Sure Li." She sighed, walking out if his room and down the stairs.

He sat up and sighed.

No school for one day? He wouldn't have to see Zayn nor Harry.

But sadly..... for one day.


8:50 am rolled around, which meant school started.

Louis and Niall were waiting for Liam to show up.

It was unlikely for him to be late! Hell, he was always the first person in the classroom.

Zayn was doodling like usual, but he would glance up every now and then to see if Liam came into class yet.

Sadly he didn't.

Same goes with Harry. But Harry was just staring at Liam's chair.


From: Nialler

To: Liam

Hey mate! Where are you?


From: Liam

To: Nialler

Sick. Don't tell anyone.


From: Nialler

To: Liam

You know I can't keep a secret from Lou! He already read the message. He told me t tell you t 'get well soon x' Get well soon, yeah? x


From: Liam

To: Nialler

Anything for you two mate! x


And with that the conversation was over.

It was chilly this morning.

"Li? Go to the store, will you?" His mum called.


He grabbed grey joggers, and a hoodie, running down stairs.

"What for?" He asked slipping on his shoes.



He went to the store, which wasn't far from his house.

He obviously walked because he can't drive.

He pushed the door open and heard the door ding.

That's pretty annoying I would hate to work here and have to hear this every time someone walks in, He thought.

He grabbed a cart, walking to find the eggs.

Eggs. Poor baby chicks, he sighed out loud causing a lady to look at him weird.

He rushed over to the Bread Isle.

Whole Grain or Wheat? Whole Grain... We had Wheat last time.


He had eggs, and bread. That was a little to less for a big cart.

Bacon, we need bacon.

Orange juice.

tea, yeah tea.






Pancakes, wait no, I hate pancakes.

French Toast? Yeah.

Wait.... I need to stop hanging around Niall too much.

He sighed as he went to pay for all of this.

Now how was he supposed to take this home?

He had 3 bags but, he'd done this before.

Nothing new.


Short, but....... a Filler?

Oh and I wanted to enlighten you all. I have grown fond of this thing you lot call Wattpad.

I've read stories and I've written a couple of chapter for MrsDirection10, as you lot have witnessed.

And I was wondering, would you lot like me to have my own Wattpad story?

Or account? Like, would you lovelies read my stories? :) x

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