Chapter 1

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Rose's POV

'Rose! Wake up! We're here!' I open my eyes and see two sky blue ones staring directly at me. I jumped but forgot that we were in the minivan and my head hit the roof. 'Auch! Couldn't you just wake me up gently?' I asked my best friend Quin while I pout, she laughed at me. 'Well, I could but that wouldn't be fun.' 'She's right, you hitting your head was pretty funny' I looked over to the driver's seat and saw Seth, one of my brothers, laughing really hard. 'Good for you!' and I stick my tongue out to him. My other brother Locke was sitting shotgun and he turned around. 'Are you guys ready? I want to see the house on the inside!' he said excited. 'Yeah! Me too!' Screamed Ice, Quin's twin brother, while he opened the door and jumped out of the minivan.

We all got out and looked at the house we bought together. 'Wow it's even more beautiful in real life!' Quin said. 'Come on guys! Let's go inside!' I yelled and we ran to the door. I took the key out of my pocket, opened the door and the next 10 minutes all five of us were running through the house. It was really big and we all picked our room. My room was at the front of the house, so when I would look through the window I could see the street and the park, which was on the other side of the road. I could also see one of the rooms of the neighbors. There was a bedroom with a window on the exact same place as mine so you could look into each other's rooms. I saw it was a girls room: there were clothes and make up all over the place. I chuckled when I saw the mess and I went downstairs to get the last furniture, which we couldn't move earlier to our new home, and other things out of the big trailer.

'I love this place, it's awesome!' I looked up and saw Seth coming down the stairs 'Yeah! Me too! Shall we go get the furniture out of the trailer and unpack everything?' 'Good idea, because Ice, Locke, Quin and I are leaving at 4.'

Damn I almost forgot. The others are going to a soccer tournament. And I didn't want to come because 1: I hate professional soccer and 2: it's for couple's and with them dating each other I would probably end up alone.

I know what you're thinking: but they're 3 guys and only 1 girl! Yes! Exactly! Quin and my brother Seth are dating and Ice and my other brother Locke are dating. Ice and Locke happened to love each other and I'm fine with that. As long as Ice or Quin don't hurt my brothers I'm fine with them all dating. It does make me a little bit of a loner, because most of the time they're together. I do understand that they want to be with each other so I don't make a big deal out of it. But it would be fun if there are some people of my age around here which don't have boyfriends or girlfriends and want to hang out.

We were almost done with bringing everything inside, I was about to carry the last chair inside, when I hear a voice 'Hey there, are you our new neighbors?' I turned around and see 4 girls around my age standing on our driveway. The tallest one had short dark brown hair brown eyes and held a guitar case in her hands. The girl next to her had two braids of light brown hair and piercing green eyes. The shortest girl stand in front of green eyed girl and had dark brown hair just as the tallest one but only longer, she also had blue eyes which were focused on the guitar she was holding. The fourth girl was... wow... just stunning. She had long dark brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and her lips formed the cutest smile I have ever seen. She waves at me and I realize I was staring.

'Um... yeah, we just arrived and we're unpacking right now. I'm Rose Winter by the way.' I waved at them. 'Hello Rose, nice to meet you. I'm Christina Cimorelli and these girls are my sisters, we live in that house.' She points to the house next to us. 'I'm Katherine.' The tall girl said. 'I'm Lisa.' The girl with the cute smile said. 'And I'm Amy' the short girl said.

Then it hit me. I know these girls! 'Hey, this is kind of weird, but don't you girls have a band with your two younger sisters called Cimorelli?' 'Yes, we do! Do you watch our videos?' Katherine asks me. 'I do! I love your music, it really inspires my best friends, my brothers and me to sing too!' I answer excitedly. 'Do you sing too?' Amy asks surprised. 'Yeah, a little bit, we have our own band, but we're not as good as you guys!' 'Well, I would love to hear you sing... I mean you and your band of course' Lisa said while her cheeks turn red.

Did she just say she wanted to hear me sing alone?

I probably just misunderstood her and imagined her cheeks turning red.

'Okay, the others are in the house unpacking I'll go get them!' I ran into the house and saw the other 4 dragging a couch to one of the corners of the living room. 'Where were you?' Ice asked me surprised. 'I met the neighbors outside and talked with them. Guess what!?' I jumped up and down. 'What?' they all said in union and looked at me like I was crazy. 'Our neighbors are 4 of the 6 Cimorelli sisters!' I said and their jaws dropped. 'Are you kidding?' Locke said breathless. 'They're awesome!' 'I know right! They want us to sing for them, are you coming outside?' 'Yes, of course!' Seth yelled and he ran outside.

We all walked outside and Ice and I took our guitars with us. Seth was already in a conversation with Christina as we walked towards them. The others introduce themselves and I ask 'What song shall we sing guys?' 'Let's do Lo Siento' Quin said and we all nod. 'Lo Siento? Is that a original song? It doesn't sound English.' Amy asks confused and we all laugh. 'No it's Sorry from Justin Bieber, only in Spanish' I answer. 'You can speak Spanish?' Lisa said admiring. 'Only Rose fully speaks it, she is the one who wrote the Spanish lyrics. We can speak a little but we're not that good' Ice said and I felt my cheeks burn red. 'Well, I'm not fluent in Spanish!' 'I bet you're great.' Lisa looks at me and smiles. My cheeks turn red again and I see that Quin is looking back and forth between me and Lisa, so I smile back at Lisa and we start singing the song.

Ice plays the melody on his guitar and Seth takes Amy's guitar to play the chords so in the middle of the song I stop playing my parts and start tapping/drumming on the back of my guitar. I see Lisa look at me and I smile at her. She smiles back! When we finish I hit my high note and all 4 girls are clapping. 'That sounded really good!' Katherine tells us. 'Yeah, you should totally come jamming with us and our other two sisters today!' Christina looks at us smiling. 'We would love to, only the boys and I are going to a soccer tournament at 4 so we only have an hour left.' Quin tells them. 'That's too bad, maybe next time.' Katherine says. 'But hey! Does that mean you're all alone at home?' Lisa asks and points at me. 'Um.. yeah I don't really like soccer so I'm staying home.' 'You should come with us! We're leaving in an hour and you can probably eat dinner with us too, because mom always makes too much food.' She chuckles. 'I would love to come with you guys! I guess I'll see you in an hour then.' I smile at them. 'See you later!' Amy says and Lisa waves at me before they walk back to their house.

I can't stop smiling, Lisa Cimorelli, yes THE Lisa Cimorelli just asked if I would like to come jamming with her and her sisters and after that I would stay for dinner. This was the best day of my life!

'Oooooh, someone has a little big crush on the girl next door, Lisa.' Quin says mockingly. 'Shut up! I'm only smiling so much, because I just met 4 of my favorite singers!' 'Yeah right and that's why you blushed when she said you would be great at singing the song in Spanish.' I roll my eyes, I do not have a crush on Lisa! That would be so awkward, because she is the straightest person ever and I really want to be friends with her. I know she's Catholic and she probably doesn't even like the fact that there are gay people in the world... or not? Not all Catholics hate gay people to be honest...

I decided to bring up that subject tonight when I'm alone with Lisa, I don't know if that will happen, but you never know. Quin, Ice, Seth and Locke had already moved most furniture in the right places and we started unpacking our own things and clothing. I exchanged my sweatpants for a black ripped skinny jeans and I put on a white oversized shirt with a red flannel around my waist and my bordeaux red Dr. Martens. I brush my curly dark brown hair and apply only a little bit of makeup. I was about to leave my room, but then I saw my black snapback and decided to put it on backwards. I look in the mirror and I hear the sound of our door bell. It's time to go!

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