Chapter 6

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Lisa's POV

Lauren and I sat down at the table and prayed. Then, everyone started to ask Rose really random question. I had to laugh, my family is so weird sometimes. Suddenly my mother asks her 'Rose, the girls told me you, your brothers and your friends moved here together, can I ask why?' I notice that Rose bits her lip and doesn't answer right away like she did with the other questions. I think the others noticed too because Christina gives her a worried look 'You don't have to tell us, if you don't want to.' She says, Rose shakes her head. 'No, it's okay. It's just hard for me to talk about. We moved here, because the house where we used to live was burned down when my brothers and my friends and I we're on a vacation. My uncle, who stayed at home, died while he was trying to extinguish the fire. He was like a father to us all since my parents had died. After months of mourn we decided that it was time to move on. We moved back to Nashville, because this is the town we've lived until we were 5 years old.'

Tears are running down her face and I take her hands. 'I'm so sorry to hear that, but I think you made the right choice. Your uncle would have wanted you guys to move on with your lives. You deserve to live a happy life.' She looks up and smiles at me. 'Thank you Lisa and don't be sorry, my uncle is now in heaven together with my parents. I know that he is okay and that he is watching over us.'

I smile at her, Dani and Christina both give her a hug, because they sat next to her, and we continued eating. After a few minutes Rose is already laughing again.

It's good to see her laughing.

While I'm eating I think about our fall in the backyard. I remember how her eyes we're staring into mine. I remember how her hands we're on my hips. I remember how good it felt to be so close to her. I remember how I could feel her breath against my lips and how badly I wanted to kiss her... am I really a lesbian? I don't think I am honestly, because I've liked a lot of boys too. Maybe I am bi?

'Lisa? Are you alright?' I look up from my taco, my whole family is talking to each other except one. I see Amy frowning at me and I give her a small smile. 'Yeah, I'm alright Ames, better than I've ever been before actually, can we talk tonight when we're home? I need to tell you something.' Amy looks surprised but nods. 'That's fine, now tell me, how are the taco's?'

Rose stayed after dinner to watch Frozen with me and all of my siblings. It was really hectic, because almost every minute someone would say something and when the people in the movie started singing, we would all sing along. It was amazing. Rose was smiling and laughing the whole time, which made me smile too.

'Hey guys, shall we go home? It's 11 pm and I'm really tired.' Katherine says. 'Kath, you're such a grandma sometimes! Please stay, I want to spend more time with Rose!' Dani whines and clings onto Rose who is laughing. 'Well, Dani, my brothers and best friends won't be back until Monday so if you want to, we can go tomorrow to the ranch where our horses are accommodated.' 'O my god! Do you own horses?' Amy screams. 'Yes we do, you guys can take one of the other horses and ride with me tomorrow.' 'That is so cool! I love horses!' Amy says and I nod. 'Yeah, I would like to go to the ranch tomorrow.' 'We can go, right Chrissy?' Amy asks Christina and we all look at our older sister. 'We don't have any plans for tomorrow, except rehearsing, but we can do that when we come back.' We all cheer and Christina smiles. 'But we are going home now guys!' She adds and Dani and Lauren sigh.

We all get up and say goodbye to our other siblings. After that we get into our car and Christina drives us home.

'It was great hanging out with you guys!' Rose tells us when we are standing in front of our houses. 'We should definitely hang out more!' I say with excitement in my voice and my three sisters nod. 'We loved getting to know you.' Christina says. 'Yes indeed!' Kath ads. 'We'll see you tomorrow then, goodnight Rose!' Amy smiles at her and gives her a hug. 'Bye guys, see you tomorrow!' She hugs Christina and Katherine, she walks towards me and gives me a very tight and long hug, I hug her back. 'Rose and Lisa, don't be so dramatic, it's not like you're never going to see each other again!' I hear Christina joke and we quickly let go of each other. 'Sorry, I just had to.' Rose says blushing. 'Well, bye!' And she walks to her front door, waves one last time and then shuts the door. 'Are you coming Lise?' Katherine asks and I see that my sisters are already at our doorstep. 'Yeah, I'm coming!' I walk inside and go to Amy and I's room, I grab my pajamas, take of my makeup and brush my hair. Amy opens the door, her hair is wet, she also wears her pajama and she carries a towel with her. 'I just got out of the shower, don't you want to go?' she asks me, but I shake my head. 'No, I'll shower tomorrow, I can't wash my hair today.' 'Alright.' She puts down her towel and sits down on my bed. 'Tell me.' She says and I give her a confused look. 'You said at dinner that you wanted to tell me something when we got home.' 'Oh, yeah um... this may sound stupid but I think you're right.' This time she gives me a confused look. 'What do you mean?' I sigh and then smile. 'I mean that I think I'm in love with Rose.'

Amy squeaks, runs towards me, jumps in my arms and hugs me very tight. 'I knew it!' She yells and gets back to the ground. Then she jumps on my bed and begins to dance. Our door pops open and Christina and Katherine run inside. 'What is going on?' 'Are you alright?' They both look worried. Then they see Amy dancing on the bed and me standing in the middle of the room with a big smile on my face. 'What happened?' Katherine asks confused. 'Oh, we um... we made a bet for tomorrow: The one who's the first to fall of their horse has to take the other out for lunch.' I say while I feel my cheeks burn red.

God, that's the worst lie I've ever told.

'Okay, but why did Amy yell "I knew it"?' Christina looks me right in the eyes, I can see that she does not buy my explanation. 'I knew that she would accept the bet.' Amy answers before I could say anything. I nod, but Christina still doesn't seem convinced. 'Alright, me and Kath are going to sleep, you should do the same, because I texted Rose and we have to be at her house at 9 am.' She walks out of our room and Kath follows her. I close the door and turn around. 'That was close, I don't think I'm ready to tell Chrissy or Kath about my crush.' 'That's alright, I understand, but when did you accept the fact that you found love at first sight and that your crush is a girl?' Amy asks me curiously and pulls me onto my bed. I tell her about the park, the fall and how I felt. I also tell her that Lauren and Dani know about me being head over heels for the girl next door. Amy smiles the whole time and hugs me after I've told her everything. 'I'm so proud that you've already accepted your feelings for her. It was definitely love at first sight.' 'Yeah, that's true, but I hope she feels the same for me.' 'Of course she does! Haven't you noticed how she looks at you? And she blushes and smiles everytime you talk to her! It's obvious!'

'She does?' I ask her surprised and Amy shakes her head while laughing. 'Oh dear Lisa, you really need to try to notice those things! What would you do without me?' 'I probably would still think I wouldn't have any chance with her.' I smile and give Amy a hug. 'Thanks Ames, I love you.' 'I love you too Lise.' 'This reminds me of Lauren and I in the backyard, we did the exact same thing.' I laugh and Amy laughs with me.

'That's what sisters are for, to help and support you.'

Rose's POV

'WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!' A voice screams through my room and I open my eyes. 'WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!' I groan as I realize it's my alarm clock which Locke has made me for my birthday last year, he even recorded the sound himself. I stop the alarm and jump out of my bed. 7 am, time for a run! I take my running clothes and put on my sport shoes.

While I'm running I think about all the things that happened yesterday. I met the Cimorelli's, jammed with the six sisters and shared dinner with their whole family. And even better: I told Lisa I'm gay and she didn't hate me! She actually seemed very happy about it.

I also remember how we fell in her parents backyard, she was so close to me and I didn't mind that.

It felt right.

I really like her, a lot. But she will never like me back.

After an hour run I was back at my new home and got into the shower. I put on some jeans, a camouflage hoodie and my black boots. I wanted to start with my makeup, but then I saw someone walking in front of the window, which was next to mine. She is only wearing underwear and her long dark brown hair waves over her shoulders and stops at her belly button.

It's Lisa

It was like somebody glued my shoes onto the floor. I couldn't move, I could only stare at her. She was singing and didn't notice I was watching her. She has abs, you could definitely see that she trains. I followed her movements as she puts on a T-shirt. But she then looks out of her window, right in my eyes. Her jaw drops, she looks shocked and her head turns into the color of a tomato. I quickly hold up my hands and give her an apologizing look. 'Sorry, didn't look on purpose!' I mouth to her while I blush and she nods cautious. 'Okay.' She mouths back and quickly closes the curtains.

Great Rose, you've ruined everything.

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