Chapter 13

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Rose's POV

We're in the car, driving to the venue where the six sisters will perform. I'm going to be honest: I may be a little excited... I'm in the backseat with Ice and Quin, we're holding a playback contest and of course I'm winning. 'Guys! We're here!' Locke stops the car on a parking lot and points to a big building. 'That's it! Let's get inside!' Seth jumps out of the car and we follow his example. We walk to the concert hall and there is already a group of fans standing outside of it.

'No way! You're the new neighbors of Cimorelli, right? I saw you on their livestream!' Two fans, a boy and a girl, walk over to us. 'Yeah, we're actually all living next to them, the other 4 were only just gone for a few days.' I say to the girl and scratch the back of my neck. 'I saw you in a picture on Lisa's Twitter! You two are so cute together!'

I can't help it: I have to blush when the girl tells me that. I quickly look away, to prevent my friends from seeing my red cheeks, but Quin nudges me and smirks.

She saw it.

'Thank you.' I finally get out.

What was that answer Rose?! That's not going to help you against questions from Quin at all!

'Can we take a picture?' Says the boy who stands besides the girl who just complimented me for being cute with Lisa. I nod and we take a selfie. 'Thank you so much for your time! It was lovely meeting you!' The two of them walk back to the group and I turn around. Quin is standing behind me with a big idiotic smile on her face. 'Don't say anything about it!' I point at her and try to sound serious, while my cheeks heat up again. 'But it was so cute! You looked like a tomato!' She squeals and I grab Quin's arm. 'I don't want to talk about it.' I show the security our backstage passes and walk into the building, the other 4 are following me. I hear them laugh at me and I just walk to the entrance of the stage. 'That girl was right, you two would look cute together.' Ice nudges me and I push his arm away. 'Come on guys, it's not funny. She doesn't like me, so what's the point.' They stay silent and give each other strange looks.


'Let's get something to drink, shall we? The meet & greet starts in half an hour.' Locke suggest and we all get to the bar.

Lisa's POV

Today is the day! Today I'm going to tell Rose what I really feel for her! I'm so excited! But I'm also really scared... what if she doesn't give me another chance?

Don't think about that Lisa.

'Lise! Your turn!' Lauren waves her hand before my head. 'Hellooooow? Earth to Lisa?' 'Oh... um... what?' I look at my younger sister and she smirks. 'You're really in love, it's your turn.' I roll my eyes, but before I can reply the music starts and I have to do my sound check. After a few times my mic and in-ears are perfect adjusted. 'The meet & greet starts in a 10 minutes, be ready!' Christina runs over the stage while fixing the last little things.

After the meet & greet we start our show. Rose, Seth, Locke, Ice and Quin are in the front row. I can't keep my eyes of Rose, she looks so adorable when she sings and dances. She catches me staring a few times, but I don't care anymore.

I love her and she has to know.

'Alright guys, so you have to know that tonight is a special night.' Amy says. 'We have one song left, but tonight Lisa will sing an extra one...' Lauren walks towards Amy and they smile at each other. 'It's a song for a very special person.' Katherine adds and the whole crowd goes crazy. 'We're not going to say names, but the person will know it's about her.' Dani says.

O dear God, Dani said "her" I'm officially dead, hopefully the fans didn't hear that.

'Give it up for Lisa with I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz!' Christina yells through her mic and the crowd screams my name.

I walk forward and stop right in front of Rose. She looks shocked and I give her a small smile. I'm really uncomfortable right now, I'm not really the one who does these kinds of dramatic things every day.

Amy starts playing her guitar and it gets dark. There is only one spot, which is directed at me.

'When I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night sky.' I focus on Rose and see that her face turns red. I walk over the stage, but still look at her while I'm singing.

''Cause even the stars they burn.

Some even fall to the earth.

We've got a lot to learn.

God knows we're worth it.

No, I won't give up.'

I point at her and she smiles at me. I smile back and we look into each other's eyes.

'I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough.

I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up, I'm still looking up.

I won't give up on us, God knows I'm tough enough.

We got a lot to learn, God knows we're worth it.'

She makes a heart with her hands, I can hear my sisters cheer in the background. I have a big smile on my face which only grows even wider.

'I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough.

I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up.'

Amy strums the last chord and it gets dark. The crowd goes wild and I laugh into my mic. 'I love you.' I whisper and the fans start screaming even louder.

The lights go back on and I wave at the crowd. 'Thank you guys! This is our last song: Made In America!'

Rose's POV

O my god. I can't believe that she did that for me! I couldn't stop staring at her the whole night, but this song really gave me goosebumps. She whispered 'I love you.' at the end of it, just loud enough to hear it and I can't lie: my heart melted.

She is the best.

They sing their last song and make a bow. We all cheer, Lisa smiles at me and I smile back. She winks and then they get off stage.

'What did you think?' Quin asks me with raised eyebrows. 'You knew!' I yell at my brothers and best friends. They all laugh at my reaction and nod. 'Yes, everyone knew. Lisa really regretted what she said, so she wanted to win you back.' Seth explains. 'Oh, she did!' I smile at all of them and we walk backstage.

I can't wait to see her.

We walk past their parents and brothers to their dressing room, we greet the others and go inside. Six faces turn around and they all greet us, but I can only stare at one. Lisa.

She looks so cute, she has red cheeks and averts her gaze to the ground when I look at her.

Aww, she's nervous.

I run to her and jump, she catches me and twirls me in the air. Then she puts me on the ground again and we hug. I can hear her sisters, my brothers and friends cheer and congratulate each other. Lisa and I pull back and look each other in the eyes. 'I hope you can forgive me, I really do love you, you're-' 'Stop!' I put my hand on her mouth. 'Shut up and kiss me.' I remove my hand and she leans in.

Her lips find mine and they fit perfectly, like a puzzle. We are made for each other. I hear a lot of 'Ohhh!'s and 'O my god!'s  behind us. I pull away and rest my forehead against hers. 'Never leave me again.' I whisper and we smile at each other. 'I won't.'

My new story is up! Go check it out! It's called "The Way Home"

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