Chapter 2

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Lisa's POV

Christina, Katherine, Amy and I just came back from the music store in the mall when we saw a black minivan with a trailer in front of the house next to us. 'Looks like we're getting new neighbors!' Amy says excitedly and points to the van. 'Finally! That house has been empty for months! We haven't had neighbors since we moved here.' Katherine looks happily over to the house. 'Shall we introduce ourselves right now? We have to go to mom and dad's place at 4 so we only have an hour left.' Christina asks and I look up from my phone 'That's a great idea, I hope they're around our age.' 'Yeah, me too! It would be awesome to make some new friends.' Amy takes her guitar and gets out of the car. The rest of us follow, we walk to the driveway and we see two boys dragging a couch into the house and girl carrying a chair out of the trailer.

'Hey there, are you our new neighbors?' Christina asks her and the girl turns around. I can see her face now and she looks at us. She is really pretty even though she's only wearing sweat pants, a black shirt and a little bit of makeup. She looks like she's in her twenties, her dark brown hair is long and curly and she has stormy grey eyes. She stares at me and we lock eyes. I can't help it to smile and I wave to her.

'Um... yeah, we just arrived and we're unpacking right now. I'm Rose Winter by the way.' She answers shyly. Rose... I can get used to that name! Wow wait... What am I thinking?

'Hello Rose, nice to meet you. I'm Christina Cimorelli and these girls are my sisters, we live in that house.' I hear Christina say and then we all introduce ourselves. 'Hey, this is kind of weird, but don't you girls have a band with your two younger sisters called Cimorelli?' She asks and we tell her we are indeed in that band. She tells us she is in a band too, but that they aren't as good as our band. I don't believe it, a beautiful girl like her should have a great singing voice.

'Well, I would love to hear you sing' I say, but then I realize what I said and quickly add 'I mean you and your band of course.' My cheeks turn red and I look at my feet. I see that Amy stares at me curiously. Rose doesn't seem to notice, she answers 'Okay, the others are in the house unpacking I'll go get them!' And she runs into the house.

Amy walks over to me and looks me in the eyes 'What was that about?' 'What do you mean?' 'Oh, come on! You were saying you wanted to hear her sing and you were blushing!' she smirks at me. I look over to Christina and Katherine talking to each other, they don't seem to notice that Amy is hearing me out. 'Amy! I um.. meant to say "you" as in more persons at once, not only her!' 'Okay, but just so know: I don't believe you, there is something else going on here...'

'Hey there!' A guy was running towards us. 'I'm Seth and you're 4 of the 6 Cimorelli sisters aren't you?' he says excitedly. 'We are indeed.' Christina answers and then Rose walks outside with three others: a girl and two boys. They introduce themselves as Ice, Locke and Quin, they seem really nice, but there is just something about Rose that I like what the other don't have. I don't know what it is, I never felt this way before.

They are picking a song to sing for us and Quin says they should sing Lo Siento. Ice tells us that Rose is the only one of them who speaks Spanish properly. 'Well, I'm not fluent in Spanish!' she says. 'I bet you're great.' I look at her and I'm blushing again!

What is happening to me?

The guys and girls start to sing and it sounds really good, Rose can sing very high but also very low, she plays the guitar and drums a little too, just like me! After they're finished Christina asks them to come jam with us today, but Quin tells us that she and the boys are going to a soccer tournament. I looked at her, she and the boys...

Does that mean...

'But hey! Does that mean you're all alone at home?' I point at Rose. 'Um.. yeah I don't really like soccer so I'm staying home.' 'You should come with us! We're leaving in an hour and you can probably eat dinner with us too, because mom always makes too much food.' I chuckle, my mother always thinks we eat at least two full plates of food. 'I would love to come with you guys! I guess I'll see you in an hour then.' She answers with a big smile on her face. Yesss! She's coming with us! Now I can get to know her and maybe become friends, I really want to be friends with her. I just want to be with her... Wow I never want to be with someone, I love being alone actually.

What is going on?

We are walking back to our house, when suddenly Amy takes my hand, drags me upstairs to the room we share and closes the door. 'Amy, why are you taking me to our room?' 'I wanted to talk to you in private.' I look at her and she smiles at me. 'Lisa, I just want you to know that if you like that girl you should go for her!' 'What! Amy! We just met her and the others and as you know, I'm straight, I don't like girls in that way.' 'Alright, if that's what you want to believe I'm fine with it, but you'll come back to me and beg me to help you get her to be your girlfriend.' 'Amy!!' She laughs, walks towards the door and waves. 'Lisa, it's pretty obvious you like her but if you don't want to accept it yet, it's okay, I just wanted to make sure you know I won't judge you.' And with that she closes the door. I'm all alone in our room and I jump on my bed. I sigh, maybe Amy is right, maybe I do have feelings for her. But I'm not a lesbian... right? I don't even believe in love at first sight. But did both just happen to me? I don't even know. What I do know is that I'm going to try to be best friends with her, maybe that will stop these strange feelings.

I walk towards the mirror and braid my hair into two braids. When I'm finished I hear Christina yell 'Guys! We have to leave, go get Rose and I'll get my car keys!''I'll get her!' I yell back and I run downstairs, straight past Katherine who sits on the couch, she looks confused at me so I just smile 'I'm going to get Rose, I'll be back in a minute!' She still looks confused but she nods and I run outside to de door of our new neighbors.

Okay Lisa just relax, just ring the bell and be cool.

I ring the bell and a few seconds later I see Locke standing smiling in the door opening. 'Hey, Lisa! Rose is almost done I think.' He turns around to the stairs. 'Rose! Lisa's here! Are you ready?' 'Yeah! Damn Locke, don't scream like that I already heard the bell rang!' She chuckles as she walks down the stairs.

O my god. She looks amazing.

She has exactly the same style as me and that snapback looks really good on her. Wait... what am I thinking?

I realize I had been staring at her 'Wow you look amazing!' I say awkwardly. She chuckles again and looks at me smiling. 'Thanks! Shall we go now?' 'Oh yeah, right. Um... bye Locke have fun at the soccer tournament!' 'Bye, Lisa!' Rose hugs him and we walk together to my house. 'So, where's your parents house exactly?' 'It's a few blocks away, a 5 minute drive and we'll be there, Christina is driving so do you want to sit with me in the backseat? Katherine or Amy will probably sit shotgun.' She laughs and then jokes: 'Well, I can't really sit on the roof of your car so I would be glad to sit next to you.' I blush, of course she would sit next to me, where else could she probably sit? 'Oh, yeah sorry.' 'Hey, don't be ashamed, it's nice of you.' And then it happened... she hugged me! I hugged her too and we didn't let go until we heard a cough. We had to let go of each other and we see Amy standing on the driveway with her guitar in her hands looking at us and she smiles like an idiot. 'Are you guys coming? Otherwise we will leave without you!' we run to the car and Rose gets in the backseat, I want to follow her, but Amy stops me. 'You're so cute together!' she squeaks. 'Amy!' I sigh and try to look mad, but I can't. I can't help it but I have to smile. I jump quickly into the car and Amy takes the seat next to me.

The radio was on and we were all singing. It was the best 5 minute drive of my life, I can assure you that!


Hey guys, I'm new here and this is my first story so let me know what you think!


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