Chapter Four - The Vices

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Three weeks later and our conversations had taken a slight turn. It was as if I wanted to know as much about him as humanly possible without hearing his voice or seeing his face. I was so scared of how things might change once we took that step. If I was going to lose him I wanted to know everything I could before that happened. So I kind of lifted my last rule, at least a little.


Natalie: First kiss?

Kieran: 11, her name was Sophie and her lips were sticky from a gum she'd been blowing bubbles with.

Natalie: Wow, that's young. Was it memorable for her?

Kieran: I think her exact words were "EWW, cooties!"

Natalie: Aww, poor Cowboy.

Kieran: Yeah it's been a long road to wooing the ladies.

Natalie: I bet it has, but those country songs you like all talk about walking on long roads and dust and dirt so it would be for you.

Kieran: Don't hate on the music...

Natalie: Sorry, can't help myself :)

Kieran: How about you? First kiss?

Natalie: 13, Jack behind the bins of a Nando's. He smelled like too much Lynx bodyspray and had this really neat spiked up hair I thought I liked. He tried sticking his tongue down my throat and I punched him.

Kieran: Dear lord, he definitely remembers you

Natalie: Yeah if not for the fact that I actually did let him stick his tongue down my throat about thirty minutes later when his nose stopped bleeding and I explained that all he needed to do was ask first.

Kieran: You crack me the fuck up Q

Natalie: I try

Kieran: You succeed.

Natalie: You charmer, so first love?

Kieran: Tricky question. I'm not really sure I've ever been in love. But my first girlfriend was Tammy Baker in eleventh grade, it lasted for about two weeks.

Natalie: Did you get to stick your tongue down her throat?

Kieran: Yeah but I asked first so she never had to punch me, see the wooing eventually came. But at 16 I didn't know much about it either, I'm pretty sure that's why she left a note in my locker saying she was now going out with another guy.

Natalie: Harsh, almost as bad as a text message.

Kieran: I got over it pretty quickly, a week later I moved on to another girl who lasted for a while. Took her to senior prom and everything.

Natalie: Ah is this where you tell me you lost your virginity in a sleazy motel while her corsage was crumpled on the nightstand?

Kieran: No but I did puke on her dress, we'd stolen some green melony stuff from my parents and I drank too much of it and ended up throwing up all over her, neon green.

Natalie: OH MY GOD! No you didn't! Was it Midori?

Kieran: I did. I have no clue what it was called, I just know it tasted like melon and that I haven't touched a green drink since, St. Patrick's Day is a big no for me.

Natalie: That poor girl. No wonder you didn't get to do the deed that night, I would have kicked you in the balls for that.

Kieran: Yeah, I bet you would. Especially since her dress was white and then became see-through and neon green.

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