Prologue - Karma and Fate

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Stranger: Um... Hi?

Me: Hey.

Stranger: So, what are you up to?

Me: Nothing. You?

Stranger: This? I don't know. I don't get it.

Me: What don't you get, stranger: This whole thing, what you're supposed to do on here?

Me: Wait, are you confused by a chat?

Stranger: No. Yes? Maybe.

Me: God, that's the best thing I've heard all day

Stranger: Shut up.

Me: No seriously, you're confused about a chat? What did you think it was?

Stranger: I'm not really sure. The whole talking to strangers thing... I'm new at this.

Me: Mate, if you were looking for porn you've come to the wrong place.

Me: Unless you were looking for gullible teens, I'm sure they're out there.

Me: Or lonely housewives

Me: Or maybe even bored pensioners

Stranger: Wow, you're harsh. No, I didn't come here looking for any of those, or porn for that matter. I'm just not used to... this. I'm a virgin on here.

Me: Ah, so you need me to be gentle with you, is that it? Show you the ropes, all the cool acronyms the kids are using these days? Get you chatting like a pro?

Stranger: Yeah, something like that, unless you're busy.

Me: I'm on here, obviously I have no life and plenty of time.

Stranger: Well, color me lucky.

Me: So, Stranger, what do you want to know?

Stranger: Well, I'm not sure I want to know anything actually. I just kind of wanted to talk.

Me: Ok, then it's a good thing you came here and met me, this is all about talking with me.

Stranger: Ok.

Me: Alright, tell me about yourself?

Stranger: Wait, isn't that the one thing you're not supposed to do online?

Me: See, you do know some things! Yes, that's right or at least to some extent. You can choose exactly what and why you tell me anything about yourself, you can edit and make up.

Me: In a way that's the beauty of it, you can be anyone you want to be, even if that person is you.

Stranger: Okay, that sounds easy enough.

Stranger: But how could I trust you if I chose to actually be me, talk about me and share intimate details about myself. That seems like a step we have to consider before delving into this conversation, doesn't it?

My name is Natalie Lukin and this is my story. I know that statement was a bit cheesy but bear with me, I have a lot of things to tell you.

I think I'll start at the beginning, at how I became who I am. It seems essential to tell you about that part of me, considering all the other things I'll tell you through all of this.

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