Chapter Nine - Struck by Lightning

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I awoke the next morning after the deepest sleep I'd ever had, and felt a heavy weight across my middle. Also, I was hot. Like... sweating-bullets-hot.

I opened my eyes and instantly faced the wide, tanned chest of the man lying in bed with me, tangled with me. My leg was between his, his arms were around my waist and I was plastered to his front, his chin resting on the top of my head. The heavy weight was his arm settled over me.

I smiled.

I am in bed with Kieran Smith. Lucky me.

I tried to gain some space, to sneak out of his grip without waking him so I could get some air and change clothes. I was still fully dressed since last night, even my bra was on, that accompanied with his warmth, the covers thrown over me and the sun shining down on me from the huge windows at the foot of the bed... Yeah, I needed another shower.

I wiggled and tried to get out of his hold but, the instant I gained an inch, his arms tightened around me and he buried his face deeper in my hair.

"Where're you goin'," he mumbled against the top of my head before he breathed in deeply.

Again with the sniffing, between the two of us we're worse than dogs in heat.

"I'm sweaty, and fully clothed. I was going to go have a very cold shower."

I felt his grin against my hair and smiled myself.

"Mmm," he almost purred deep in his chest somewhere. The sound of it made my heart skip a beat or two. It was a noise I'd never heard before, especially not while lying in his bed, in his arms and having his chest plastered against my own. It was still a little too surreal to be true, this wasn't the way I ever woke up.


He released some of his hold and looked down at me. He brushed some hair out of his way and smiled a breath-taking, crooked, smile at me.

Kieran in the morning, sleepy eyes and messy hair was something to see for fucking sure. I let my eyes roam over him, memorizing the way his blue eyes seemed lighter in the sunlight, the absolute chaos to his hair that still made him look like he climbed out of my fantasies, the tan and smooth skin of his shoulders and arms cradling me...

I catalogued it all in my mind for safekeeping and to be brought forth on another, colder and sadder day. The sight could bring a smile to anyone, especially me.

This man was my friend, my something, and remembering this exact moment felt crucial in an almost primal way, because I'd never thought it would actually come true. I'd spent an endless amount of time wondering about this man, dreaming about him, fascinated by him, and now he was right fucking here.

"I'm sorry, honey," he continued while he kept arranging my hair around us with one hand. He'd learnt his lesson; never let me go to sleep without tying it back or someone might get strangled.

He had an almost reverent look in his eyes as he played with the strands. "I didn't want to undress you while you were out could. I tried wakin' you but you were dead to the world. I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable."

I smiled up at him again and lifted my own hand to his hair. I ran my fingers though the silky strands at his ear, revelling in the fact that I could.

"It's fine, Cowboy. I'm just hot." I didn't want to tell him that one of the most uncomfortable things a girl could do is sleep in her bra, especially a girl with a chest the size of mine.

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