Day 2

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Day 2


All I can think of is how alone I am.

I wander the Endless with nothing to do but wonder. What happened to the rest of the town? What has become of the place I only yesterday called home? What of my family?

My family!

What of my father and my seven, soon-to-be-eight year-old brother? Have they been killed? Captured? Or worse?

I can only hope that they have survived and are in no danger.

And me? I must find water soon. I know I can last another week without food, though that may be a problem in the future. But if I do not find water within the next twelve hours, my story will end here.


Wondering about my poor family and hating with all of my being those who separated us and murdered my mother.

Who are they? What gave them reason to attack? And where have these weapons of theirs come from? They seem like something out of the old alien films I love watching.

Maybe they are aliens.

It's a scary thought, but it's entirely possible.

Or maybe I'm the alien.

Maybe we humans have invaded their home planet and forced their hand.

No, no, no. That cannot be true. Now I see the danger. I may be farther gone than I believe I am if I am having these thoughts.

But I am just so... Alone.

When Forever Ends (Part 1: A Game of Chess)Where stories live. Discover now