Day 10

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Day 10

I have decided that the plants here are edible. They are very strange and I have never seen any of them before, but I ate a few leaves and some dark purple berries and have suffered no ill effects.

The rain isn't endless, as I originally thought, but it lets off twice daily, at dawn and at dusk, for about a half hour at a time. I figure those are the best times to gather the berries and leaves.

I have also discovered that some small animals live in the bushes. I found a creature that looks surprisingly like a rabbit, though they were thought to be extinct for the last two thousand years. I shot one with my slingshot, which I am glad that I thought to put in my emergency kit. It tasted kind of stringy, but it was meat and I was half-starved, so I just about inhaled it whole.

I may stay here at this safe haven and I may not. I still have to decide that. But I will chew on that later. For now, I am content to stay here eating rabbits and berries and drinking rainwater fresh from the sky.

Also, I notice that I didn't make an entry yesterday and that was intentional. I realize that I may be in this desert for a while so I decided to conserve pages. I will no longer be making daily entries, but instead I will only record when I have something interesting enough to put down on paper.

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