Day 2189

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Day 2189

A most intriguing event happened today.

A group of four friends about the same age stumbled upon my hideout. Will seems to be a shy, shady person, who will only open up to you if you know him. Sofie, I haven't quite figured out yet. Maya and Ryan seem like they might be more than just friends, and I have some suspicions about Ryan.

There are several questions I have yet to ask them. What are they doing in the middle of the Endless in the first place? Are they being followed by the same people tracking me? (Actually, if they were, they probably wouldn't know it, but I'll ask anyway.) Where do they come from?

And, most importantly, is Ryan who I think he might be? He has my brother's name and is the correct age, and he also showed some recognition of the event that started my own adventure. But if he is my brother, why doesn't he recognize me? It may be that my appearance has changed, but I don't think that's it. I have a feeling that there is a variable in this equation that is yet unknown.

Still, I guess the only way to know is to ask him. Not directly, of course, but in a more inconspicuous way. I suppose I'll pull him aside tomorrow and ask.

On another note, we must prepare. I have a feeling that my opponent will make his move, now that Ryan is here as well.

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