Day 2196

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Day 2196

I found my brother. Or, what's left of him.

He looks almost exactly as I remember him. He speaks like him, too. But he is only a shell of the brother I once knew. A shell that has been drained, and replaced with another life.

Somehow, he has lost all memories of that night, and of his life with me, my father, and my mother together as a family. And I think I know how. Or rather, whom.

But the question is why? Why would he do such a thing? Is he pure evil?

What am I saying? Of course he is pure evil. Quite literally. He sought to crush my spirit, I suspect.

But somehow, in some way, I will unlock the vault where my brother's memories have been locked away.

Someday, he will remember me once more.


If you are reading this and know who I am, not just my name, but my significance to you, then you will know that I have succeeded.

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