Part One, Chapter IV

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[ Part One: A Game of Chess ]


F o u r

The only thing worse than waking up and not knowing where you are is waking up with an aching head and knowing exactly where you are: the Endless.

In school, we had learned about the Endless. It is a giant desert at the exact bottom of the world. They don't call it the Endless for nothing. From the center, it stretches on for millions of kilometers in every direction. It has a harsh climate, too. Endless rain in some parts, endless snowfall in others, but most of it is just endless heat and dryness. On one rare occasion, one man saw a hauntingly beautiful range of mountains in the desert. But only one man has seen those mountains and that was centuries ago. Some have theories that the desert is also endlessly changing. They think that the mountains may have just been lost to the changes of the Endless. But one thing is certain. The desert is a very dangerous place, for few enter it and even fewer return.

I didn't know whether I believed the theories or not, but that didn't matter. I had to figure out a way to get out of the desert.

A groan reminded me that I was not alone in my predicament. My friends were slowly waking up. Will was the first to rouse himself and rose to his feet. Maya and Sofie stirred and also peeled themselves from the ground. I did the same.

Whoever had brought us here had obviously not really cared about what happened to us; there was only a giant canvas sack and four empty canteens. No food.

Suddenly, I remembered the events leading up to now. The librarian. War and Peace. The key. The Earth book. The men. The hurricane siren.

"Gee," I said. "I wonder what everyone in town thought when they heard that siren?"

"They probably thought that it was a hurricane and hid in their homes waiting for a storm that would never come," Will answered.

"My head feels like one of those meat tenderizer thingies!" Sofie complained. Then she frowned. "Or the meat that's being tenderized."

"Same here," I replied. Maya and Will grumbled their agreement.

"Other than that, how is everyone feeling?"

"Really hungry," Will said.

"Me too!" the rest of us added simultaneously. Then we all glared at each other.

I looked up at the sun. "It's hard to tell, being near the bottom of the world and all, but I'd say it's about noon."

"The same day or a different day?" Maya wondered. "I feel more like I haven't eaten in a few days than a few hours."

"That could well be the reality," I shrugged. "Whatever the case, I think we could all agree that standing here won't help."

"Sure," Sofie agreed. "We should get moving."

I grabbed the sack and placed the canteens in it, then slung the bundle over my shoulder. "Let's go."

We started off at a slow pace, the sand dragging at our feet.

"I'm glad I wore my sandals," Maya said.

"Yeah, I'd hate to be barefoot on this scorching sand," Will added.

"I kind of meant instead of my regular shoes. Those would get way too hot and they would hold in the sand."

"I see your reasoning," he replied.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed suddenly.

"What?" Maya asked.

"I stepped on something sharp," I said, moving my foot. The sand shifted where my foot had been and a small, black and white lizard scurried off to another hiding place.

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