Day 2194

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Day 2194

We tread on unstable ground.

On the morning of day 2190, a day that marks the end of my fifth year in this blasted desert, we were attacked. They came in numbers I hadn't anticipated and we were overwhelmed and captured.

Today, we completed a four day trek through the tunnel they had dug. I don't yet know what they plan to do with us. I would have thought that my enemy would rather have me killed, after what I'd witnessed, but it seems that it has other ideas.

This paper is attached (obviously not now, but it will be when I make it out of this) to the journal because I didn't bring the journal and I stole a stack of paper from the supply tent.

In all the confusion, I haven't yet had time to confront Ryan, but it is still on my list of priorities. First, though, I have to get us out of this situation.

Hmm... What to do... What to do...

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