Day 8

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Day 8

A miracle. That's the only way I can describe it.

I am saved from the fate that surely awaited me only hours later, had I not come across it.

A rainstorm. I assume that I opened my mouth to allow the water to enter my body because if I hadn't, I wouldn't be writing this now. All I know is that I woke with the rain pouring and feeling better than ever. I don't even know how I survived long enough to find the storm.

After that, I opened my canteen to let it fill. I also set out the container from my first aid kit to collect even more of the precious liquid. It would be nice if I had more canteens. This far out in the desert, water is very scarce and to have enough to boil would be a luxury indeed.

I realize that I must have barely been alive for the past three days, for I don't remember any of it and I seem to have skipped a few entries.

To write this entry, I had to get out of the storm so the pages didn't get soggy.

I think this may be one of the rare parts of the Endless where there is an endless rainstorm. If it is, I may stay here until I figure out what to do about this predicament. If not, well I guess things can't last forever and I will be forced to move on to find more water.

Oh yeah. I still have to find food, too. I may explore this rainy area to see if any edible vegetation may grow here. I can already see grass and low shrubs, so it's likely. I know the lizards live here, and I may be able to get a bird somehow.

It seems as if I have my work cut out for me!

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