Day 16

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Day 16

I am about to enter the trapdoor. I spent all of yesterday looking for it, retracing my steps and attempting to rip up shrubs until I found it again.

I slept soundly last night and allowed myself to sleep past the first pause in the rain.

Then I made sure I was thoroughly prepared for my venture into the unknown. I packed up my sleeping bag and my emergency kit and made sure my canteen was full of rainwater. I also filled my first aid kit container with berries for a later snack. I considered bringing a rabbit, but it would probably spoil before I get around to eating it.

I am both nervous and anxious to go into the trapdoor and see what lies beneath. It may be a way out of the Endless, a way to survive in the desert, or neither. I hope it isn't the last option I mentioned. Oh well, I guess there's only one way to find out. I have to keep this entry short anyways. I am writing this sitting next to the trapdoor and the rain may start up again at any time.

If what I find is very intriguing, I may not write for a while. I may be too distracted to continue making daily entries. On the other hand, I might remember to keep doing it.

In any case, I must end this now, maybe for a while.

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