Day 14

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Day 14

Today I made an interesting discovery.

When I was out gathering food this evening, I lifted a bush to see if any rabbits hid beneath. I was very surprised to find that the bush came completely off the ground! It wasn't even a real bush! I don't know exactly how I knew, it just didn't feel real and it didn't smell like a plant.

I was even more surprised to find that beneath the fake plant was a square, metal trapdoor in the sand, about one meter by one meter. I would have lifted it to see what lay beneath, but at that moment, the rain started up again and I was forced to replace the shrub and return to my makeshift camp.

I will probably explore it more tomorrow.

Oh crap! I just realized that I forgot to mark it somehow! It looks exactly the same as the other bushes, so if there's no way to easily see which one is the fake one, I'll have to go through the entire field trying to pull up the bushes until I find the right one! I can be so stupid sometimes.

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