chapter 2-- friends

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Josh's POV//

   My heart raced rapidly as I darted my eyes upward then quickly back down. I noticed a brown haired boy motion me towards the empty seat infront of him. As I slowly approached the seat I heard a loud snapping noise from behind, my head whipped around only to find a cute boy with short hair and an embarrassed expression. I grin and muster a chuckle at the strange boy before sitting down.

    I can't really concentrate on my work when I'm too busy thinking about soccer this year. I'm a senior so it'll be my last year to play in school. I tap my feet quietly, thinking; I wonder if that boy plays soccer too? He seems fragile yet agile.. It'd be super fun to play with him, and he'll be wearing short soccer shorts and that sounds like a plus to me.

I shake my head, trying to get the dirty thought out of my mind. Boys don't like boys. What's wrong with you? You're new here and you're already fucking up. I squeeze my thigh in an unnerved manner. A note appears infront of me from the other boy who offered me the empty seat. It had cute doodles and the words '>~< Hey, my friend Tyler wants to know if you'd like to hang out with us at lunch?'. I smile faintly and nod to myself before smiling reassuringly and nodding at him. So the cute boy's name is Tyler..? How adorable. Or whatever..

I play with my nose ring absentmindedly. I let out a huff as I realize how tough it's going to be to focus in this class. My noise was quickly muffled under the Riiiinnngg of the bell. I grab the strap of my bag and throw it on to my shoulders, turning confidently to the boy behind me.
"Brendon is the name." He had a smirk played across his face. He ran his hand in his slick hair before offering it toward me. I grab his warm palm and give him a hearty shake.

"When did you become such a gentleman?" A male's voice spoke up from behind the Brendon guy.

"Oh shut up!" Brendon lightly pushed the boy, causing his identity to be revealed.


It was that cute boy from before.

My palms grows sweaty as I push the curls out of my face.
"Oh I'm Tyler. Tyler Joseph." He gives a nervous smile. I instinctively reached out to shake his hand. His eyes widened slightly before realizing what I was doing and he shook my hand too. By that time, everyone had cleared out of the room.
"Yo that cafeteria pizza is calling my nAMMEEEE!" Brendon progressively got louder as he finished his proclamation. I nod along with Tyler and we all walk out, leaving the now empty classroom.

We eventually made our way to the rather large cafeteria. On the way there, Brendon enlightened me on the other classrooms and where they were. We entered the cafeteria, the room was buzzing with conversations. I let out a sigh of relief when I realized no one was looking at us. These guys must not be that popular. Oh well..

Neither Tyler or I were really hungry so we just spotted an empty table and decided to sit there. Tyler seemed to tense up as we walked past one table. A blonde girl with striking blue eyes stopped Tyler in his tracks,
"Excuse you. I think you're going the wrong way, fuck ups are supposed to eat in the bathroom."

Ouch. What a bitch. My throat tightened as I spoke up,
"What the fuck is wr-". Tyler cut me off.
"We were just passing through, sorry. It won't.. It won't happen again."
My face contorted into a mixture of anger and shock. He just- gave in. I turn my head to look at the table as I follow Tyler. The red haired girl sitting next to the blonde's spot winked at me. My face grew hot and I set down next to Tyler. I can't believe someone's interested in me.. But that's not that point, I need to talk to Tyler.

"What was that?!" I came off a little too strong and he flinched at my half-yell. I pursed my lips together before frowning. The entire cafeteria had grown quiet at my little outburst. Great. Just great. I clench my fists and attempt to make my way to the bathroom in a hurried manner.

All those eyes were on me, but Tyler's, were burning into my skull. He seemed actually concerned when I left. Whatever. He's probably just pitying me. I bite my lip, furious at myself for thinking he cared. I slam my hand into the door of the bathroom stall and throw my bag aside, placing my head in my hands. I thought I heard Tyler's voice outside but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. They were all judging me. I just want to be set free from their judgements but I'm the new kid, there is no way they'll give it up that easy. The bell rang and I just stayed put. I heard the door open but ignored it.

I kept telling myself 'I don't care. Don't let it bother you. Just get up and go to class.'

I eventually stood up and pushed through the stall door after slinging my bag on my back. My eyes widened and my mouth hung ajar as I locked eyes with a teary-eyed, mutilated Tyler Joseph.

// s/o to my frens for motivating me to keep updating. (;▽;)

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