Chapter Twelve: Think (Kim's POV)

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Chapter Twelve


Kim’s POV

Holy crap, what am I doing? This is so unlike me.

That’s right, I just want him to shut up about my past.

I force myself to stay put and not run away and cry in a corner like I desperately want to.

His hands travel up and down my sides. And I tremble at the awful memories rushing through my mind.

“Open wide.” Ethan whispers in my ear hastily while forcefully trying to pry my legs open.

I refuse and keep my legs tightly together biting back the tears preparing to fall down my cheeks.

Of course. Ethan found a way to get what he wanted.

“Babe..” Niall moans softly, knocking me out of my trance.

“Hmm?” I mumble laying my head on his chest that is rising and falling rapidly accompanied by a quickening heart beat.

“You were pulling on my hair awfully hard.” He says rubbing the top of his head making a cute pouty face.

“I’m sorry! I was thinking of  something and I guess I got carried away.”

“God, that’s how much I suck at this. I bore you.” He says sitting up, bringing me up with him so I’m still straddling him.

“No! Niall, I was just thinking of—what I should do to you next!” I answer quickly. When’d I become such a good liar?

He looks down, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red. “I just don’t know how to do these things very well.”

“You’ve done this before haven’t you? I heard none of you are virgins.” I say kissing his temple.

He stays quiet.


“I’m a virgin.” He whispers looking embarrassed. “I lied because I didn’t want to be the only virgin in the band! It’d be embarrassing because I already know I’m the least attractive one and it’d just prove it to the world if I told the truth.” He says, his eyes flooding with tears.

I quickly grab his t-shirt and put it on because I feel awkward being naked now.

“Niall. You don’t understand how attractive you are! Girls faint at the sight of you and especially because you’re gorgeous inside and out. And… your accent is the hottest out of all the boys.” I say wrapping my arms around his neck from behind him.

He chuckles and lays his head on my arm and kisses it.

“But, I think you should think if you really want to give me the one part of you that you can’t get back once you give it away. “

Willingly or not.. I add in my head.

“Huh?” He says turning to face me. “Why’d you say willingly or not, Kim?”


“I just meant like it’s not something you can get back whether it’s given away or taken away.” I lie.

“Kim…” He sighs.

I quickly grab him and kiss him to shut him up. He’s taken by surprise and grabs my shoulders. I get scared thinking he’s going to push me off but instead he kisses me back and wraps his arms around my lower waist bringing me in closer.

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