Chapter Eleven: Negative (Niall's POV)

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My job is insane. Yesterday we had some guy come in wearing TWO pairs of pants and trying to steal women’s lotion by sticking them down his pants.. Like wtf? Then when my manager caught him, he was like “I’m sorry, don’t call the cops!”

I was at my register cracking up. Like it’s lotion? And it was on sale for like a dollar.

A dolla makes me holla!

K, so I’m running on a little more than 3 hours of sleep so don’t judge my mistakes and stupidness in this chapter.

My boyfriend is mad at me cause of this job and he k’d me. I was like “Did you just ‘K’ me?” And he was like “Yes I did, and I’m proud!” -___- 


Niall’s POV


I wanted to share a child with her because then she’d never leave me. She and the fans are handling this very well and I love her too much to ever let her go. This is insane. If it was any of the other boys, I’d think they were stupid for loving a girl they barely know but I can’t imagine ever being with anyone else. I can’t explain this feeling but it feels so much better than just a crush.

 I look to her and give her a sad smile. She must see the disappointment on my face because she walks up to me and smiles. I grab her by her waist and hug her tightly.

“Don’t hug me too tight! You’ll kill the baby.” She says smirking at me. I look at her trying to comprehend what she just said.

“It said negative.”I reply sadly. Why would she joke like that knowing what I wanted the result to be?

She sticks out her hand shows me 3 other test. I completely forgot she took 4!


My heart skips a beat.


I can’t even hide the huge smile on my face anymore.

“What does 2 lines mean?” my head tilting to the side.

“It means positive, Niall. I’m pregnant.” She says smiling.

I can’t control the tears coming and I hug her again. She hugs me back and I wish I could stay here in her arms forever. No place has ever felt so right.

“You sure you’re okay with this, Niall? You know it’s not yours, right?” She asks still trying to understand why I’m so happy.

“Yeah, I know. But he or she is someone you and I will share. Just the two of us.” She looks at me as if she’s putting the pieces together in her head.

It’s late and she’s tired so she gives up and hugs me again.

This is perfect. Hugging my dream girl in a bathroom. Wait, what?

“Let’s go share the news with your family, yeah?” I whisper in her ear.

She tenses in my arms but still nods. I rub my hand up and down her back and she pulls herself off me. I see the pain and fear in her eyes but she’s trying to mask it. I can’t help but feel I found my soul mate. Every thing about us relates to the other in someway. We mold together perfectly and not just physically, but mentally as well. She fills the empty places in me, and sometimes I feel we know what the other is thinking or feeling. I just pray she feels the same about me.

I notice we’ve been staring at each other for what felt like hours and I chuckle at it.

“You okay, babe?” I ask moving her hair out of her face and behind her ear.

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