Chapter 13

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It's August now and thankfully, the amount of hate I was getting had gone down. The guys had another interview today and I was, once again, wanted to attend. Don't get me wrong, I love the guys...especially Danny, but I really don't like the interviews at all. 
"Are you ready, Lacey?" Danny asked from the door and I walked through a second later.
"Yep." I chirped with a grin and he kissed my cheek gently. 
"Lets go then." With that, we were ushered out of the bus and to the interview. 
"Do I have to go out there?" I whined with a frown making Danny, Glen and Mark chuckle at my antics.
"Yes." They all answered at the same time, I pouted.
"Don't worry, Love, you'll be you were last time." Danny whispered in my ear, kissing it gently making me blush a light shade of pink. "You look gorgeous by the way."
"Danny, Mark, Glen, Lacey, you're on in ten." The backstage manager informed us and we all nodded.
"You don't look too bad yourself." I told Dan with  a smile, making him smirk. "Don't get so cocky."
"He already was. You just keep complimenting him making his ego bigger." Glen laughed and a few minutes later, we were to go on stage.

"So Danny, you're looking fine today." The interviewer flirted as we all sat down. I rolled my eyes with a frown.
"Thank you, Maria." Dan mumbled, pulling me onto his lap and playing with my hair. I smirked at Maria who glared in return.
"Don't you think that Lacey is a little young? She is only 18." Maria asked with a smirk of her own in my direction.
"No. She's more...mature than you think. Even if she does act like she did when she was eight at times." Danny answered then froze in realization at what he had said. I groaned.
"How would you know how she acted when she was eight?" The woman questioned, leaning forward.
"He used to live across the road from me when I loved in Ireland." I told her, not telling her that Dan used to be my babysitter.
"How sweet. So you go home in a few days, should we be expecting any mini O'Donoghues on the horizon?"  The interviewer asked with a smile. I burst out laughing at that point and blushed slightly, they guys laughed too.
" soon." I managed to get out between giggles and Maria looked pleased with my answer. Ten minutes later and the interview was over, thankfully. I rushed to the bathroom and straightened out my hair and touched up my make-up. Maria waltzed in.

"Danny, is mine, bitch. So back off." She sneered. 
"Well that's not what he was saying last night when he was yelling my name while we were in bed." I smirked in triumph as she failed to retort and I walked out and to the guys.

"Can you believe that we go home in a few days?" I murmured as we walked back to the tour bus, Danny's arms around my waist.
"It's gone faster than usually." He admitted, helping me onto the bus. "I've enjoyed having you with us."
"I've enjoyed being here." I confessed hugging him tightly as we collapsed onto one of the sofas. Daniel kissed me and we stayed like that for a few moments until somebody cleared their throat. 
"Get a room!" Mark shouted and I got a cushion and threw it at him.
"Got one!" Danny shouted back; I rolled my eyes.

A few Days Later

"We're going out tonight so go get ready." Danny informed me and I ran to the hotel room to get dressed as they too got ready. An hour later and I emerged from my room and bumped into Danny, literally. "You looked beautiful." The Irishman complimented, going to kiss me.
"Lets go." I pulled away from him before his lips touched mine.
"Tease." We left to go to the club. Tonight was our last night in America so we were all going to celebrate. 
We arrived at the club but I wasn't stamped oddly enough. "Um shouldn't I have been stam-" I was cut off.
"Shh. Do you wanna get drunk or not, Lace?" Mark asked with a cheeky grin and I grinned at him too as he headed to the bar. He returned with some guinnis for the guys and an innocent looking glass of coke. I raised my eye brow and the bold man sent me a smirk, which didn't go amiss by Danny.

"Pass me your drink, Lacey." Dan sighed and I begrudgingly passed it him, he sipped it before glaring daggers at Mark.
"She's nineteen. Old enough to drink back home!" His friend defended himself and I laughed.
"Yes nineteen! She isn't old enough to drink here." My boyfriend stated in annoyance but I took the glass from him and started drinking it. I finished it a few minutes later. But that was the fourth one that Mark had gotten me so I was pretty tipsy. "You're drunk...again." Dan chuckled and we all started on our way back to the tour bus.
I fell asleep the moment my head hit Danny chest as we laid on his bunk together still in the clothes we wore out.

"Ouch." I mumbled as I woke up, my head pounding. Someones arms were wrapped around my waist. I couldn't move out of the vice like grip. A light snore came from behind me and they muttered in their sleep.
"Lacey." They muttered. Danny. What happened last night? I mist have gotten drunk again, which explains why I couldn't remember anything.
"Lacey." Danny mumbles awake now, pulling me tightly against his chest.
"Good morning. We have a flight to catch tonight." I greeted him then I looked at the time. "We have a flight to catch in two hours!" I shot up, as did Danny. The other two were already up, along with Ben and Rod. We both rushed ot get ready and out of the room.

I stepped out and Mark burst out laughing. "What?" I questioned annoyed. But they just laughed more. I looked down at my clothes and I realized. I was wearing Danny's shirt.
"Um, Lacey...I think you're wearing my top!" He yelled from the room. I groaned and ran back into the room. I took of the top then realized that Danny was right there, looking at me unlike before when he had his back to me. I blushed and he smirk. Before he could say anything, I took  my top from him and put it on.

"Sorry." I mumbled, biting my lip, trying not to laugh.
Well the band was on playing that song
We messed up the lyrics
As we sang along
But we didn't care
Cause it felt like we were the only ones there
My feet were sore, my voice were raw
They're turning up the lights but were shouting more
We're shouting more

My phone rang and I picked it up. "Hello?"
"Is this Lacey O'Brian?" The caller asked in a business like tone.
"Yes. Who is this?" I replied with a groan as I rubbed my head, it was killing. As if reading my mind, Danny passed me some Paracetamol and a glass of water.
"I'm Simon Cowell. I'd like to have a talk with you when you return to England, if you don't mind."
"Of course." I mumbled and looked at the Irishman, he was giving me a curious look.
"Good. Well I'll let you get ready for your flight. Have a good day." He hung up.

"Well that was strange." I muttered and pocketed my phone.
"Who was that?" The singer questioned and I sighed.
"Simon Cowell. We need to go if we're to get to the airport on time." I told him. 
Don't worry we're there, just in time too; we have fifteen minutes until we board." I was informed and we all stepped off the bus. 
*Skip the flight*

I collapsed onto my bed back home at Danny's house, exhauseted from the long flight. My eyes were closed and I felt extra weight on my bad, Dan had laid down next to me, staring up at the ceiling. "What is it?" worried, I asked, my eyes searching his handsome features.
"I think it's time that we really make this official. We only ever said yes when the interviewers asked if I had a new woman." He replied with a smile. His eyes were now alight with excitement as I'm sure mine mirrored his.
"Really?" I questioned, sitting up to look at him properly. He confirmed it and I hugged him tightly. "Okay."
"Good because we have an interview on 'This Morning tomorrow." Danny told me.
"Another interview?" I groaned and my boyfriend nodded with a laugh.
"Get some sleep; we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

Can't be Moved - A The Script Story - Danny O'Donoghue StoryWhere stories live. Discover now