Chapter 16

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Hey guys, I am so sorry for the wait. I've been so busy lately but my teachers were wanting an update. anyway, please.comment and vote; I feel like people aren't reading it anymore. Oh and I.promise you, something big is.coming at Christmas for Danny and Lacey, it will also be the last chapterbox this book. There will be a sequal!! anyway, enjoy but I need to edit it.

Summer xx

Danny's POV

Watching Lacey sleeping peacefully, I seem to fall even more in love with her. I didn't even think it was possible. But seeing her here, hair fallen across her beautiful features, eyes closed moving slightly as she dreamed, I smile down at the girl that I'm irrevocably in love with. I know that she is only nineteen and I'm thirty-three now but age is but a number, why let numbers get in the way of true love? I know what people say, I see it everyday on Twitter and Facebook, I hear people talk about it but I don't care, I love Lacey too much to ever let her go.

"You really do love her, don't you, Dan?" My mum asks, looking back at the two of us.

"What gave it away?" I question back almost sarcastically with a smile as I brush a stray piece of hair from her face.

"The way the two of you are together but mostly, the way you look at her." Ailish grins at me. I laugh and nod half-heartedly as my mum drives upto the house.

"I'll carry her in." I tell them, getting out of the car and going around to Lacey's side. Carefully, I unbuckle her seatbelt and slide my arms beneath her, lifting her carefully trying not to wake her. Slowly, I carry her bridal style, chuckling as I got to the door. "Thought it would be a few more years until I did this." I comment, stepping over the threshold, "And I certainly thought you'd be awake."

"You can take her to your room," Ailish informs me, "No funny business." Laughing, she warns as I begin my ascent up the stairs to my old, childhood room.

It hasn't changed much over the years and is red, Manchester United themed. Man U fan through and through, always have been. There's still pictures of me from my younger years and I cringe thinking back to the time. Then one picture catches my attention, there was me holding a small child with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a cheeky smile. Lacey. She was around three or four so I was around twenty, wow. I was in Mytown with Mark at the time, I think. Those were good times, I loved looking after Lacey from her being a young age; she's adorable and so funny, I really wouldn't mind having kids but I don't want them with anyone but the sleeping girl in my arms.

Gently, I set her down on my bed and pull the covers over her. I smile as I kiss her lips, careful not to wake Lacey, she sighed and moved slightly trapping me here, I don't even know how she did it but she did. I wasn't going anywhere. I didn't really want to either. She was so cute when she slept and sometimes spoke in her sleep. I never understand most of it though. Most nights, Lacey mumbles my name, the first time, I thought that she'd.

woken up, but she hadn't. I'm proud that she dreams of me, that my face is always on her mind, even when she's sleeping. I yawn, realizing how tired I actually am before pulling my girlfriend closer and falling asleep.

Lacey's POV

Dazed, I look around the red room. Manchester United, this has to be Danny's room. I laugh, he stirs slightly, his arm tightening around my waist so I can't move. "Oh come on." Annoyed, I whisper as I try to wiggle my way free but to no avail. His face presses into the back of my shoulder so and I could feel him smirk against my skin as I continue to try and wiggle my way free.

"You keep that up and neither of us will be leaving this room for a while." Dan mutters, kissing my shoulder tenderly.

"Well we cant have that today, can we?" I reply with a grin. Grumbling, my boyfriend removes his arm, yet I stay where I am. Well I turn around so that I was facing him, giving him a cheeky grin.

Can't be Moved - A The Script Story - Danny O'Donoghue StoryWhere stories live. Discover now