Good day, terrible night

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"So... Why don't we get something to eat?" Jace asked playing with my curls.

Eat? No no no no no! I. Can. Not. Eat.

"Umm... I'm not that hungry Jace..."

Jace: Come on! We haven't had a meal in foooorrrreeeevvvveeerr

Riele: Maybe another time ok?

Jace: Ok...

I simply giggled and kissed his cheek which made him smile.

Jace: So... What should we do???

Riele: We could go for a walk

I suggested as I walked over to the window. It is pretty sunny outside.

Jace: Sure

Riele: Great! All I need to do is lock up the house" I said grabbing my house keys.

Once we got outside I locked the front door we started walking.... Nowhere really. We sort of walked wherever I guess...

Suddenly Jace held my hand. I nervously glanced at our hands then back at him.

Riele: Um... Jace?

Jace: Yeah babe?

Riele: You do remember that the only people that know we're dating are the cast right?

His smile briefly faded then turned into a smirk. He grabbed my hand then brought out his phone.

Jace: Well then why don't we tell the world right now?

Tell everyone? Now? What if I get even more hate? What if they don't support the relationship? What if they stop watching the show because they don't support us? What if the cast and crew start resenting me because I'm causing the low ratings? What if they start hating me because of it? I could lose all my friends! And I could make the show lose it's fans!

Riele: Um... I don't know Jace... I don't think the fans would be very happy..." I said hesitantly.

Jace: Who cares? They're gonna find out eventually. Might as well tell them now"

Riele: Ok...

Jace: Great!

He took out his phone and went onto Instagram. He put it onto the camera. We took a selfie with him kissing my cheek and me with a shocked face. Typical couple selfie. He captioned it: Me and my new girlfriend @rieledowns! Luv u💖

I instantly liked and commented: Luv u 2😘💖

Literally 30 seconds later there were tons of comments. None of them were positive though.

@Maeve_Love: Seriously? Her? Why are you dating that bitch?😕

@Benry_Jaeve: Your gonna date that attention seeker? Maeve is so much better!

@Jaeve_OTP: Guys he's probably only dating her because he feels sorry for her. She is the girl who tried to commit suicide a couple days ago.

Wait how did they- Oh yeah the tweet.

I closed my eyes tightly as I tried to ignore the comments. It's only the last comment I read that really got to me. What if she's right? Does he pity me? Is he only dating me because I tried to kill myself? Am I just a charity case?

Jace: Hey are you ok?

Riele: Who me? Yeah I'm fine

I told him with my fake smile.

Jace: I know that's not a real smile Riele

Riele: So what? Who actually cares?

Jace: I care

Riele: No you don't. You've just convinced yourself that you care

Jace: Riele-

Riele: No forget I said that. Look Jace really I'm fine and even if I wasn't you wouldn't know because I'd still be smiling.

Jace: Your wrong

Riele: What?

Jace: I'm gonna know. I'm always gonna know. I love you and I care about you.

Riele: Yeah Jace I know

Jace: And when your upset I'm gonna be upset because your problems are my problems

Riele: This isn't a-

Jace: Don't say it isn't a problem.

Riele: I'm used to it

Jace: Why is it making you cry? If you're so used to it then why does it make you cry?

Riele: Because sometimes it hurts but that doesn't make it a problem

Jace: It makes it a problem in my eyes

Riele: Well even if it is a problem it's not gonna get sorted so that's that

Jace: Why do you let them say this stuff?

Riele: Because I can't stop them. Not all of them

Jace: You can. We can help you

Riele: Don't you get it?! I don't need help! I don't want help! So what I get hurt? I'm used to getting hurt!

Jace: You shouldn't be though!

Riele: But I am! That's just the way it is! Can we drop it? Please?

My voice cracked as I held back tears. I think Jace could see I was about to cry so he sighed giving in.

Jace: Ok

Riele: Thank you

I gave him a hug. When he hugged back I felt safe. I swear I could stay in his arms forever. He kissed my head.

Jace: I love you

Riele: I love you too

We kept walking and talking until it got dark. Oh no! My parents should be home now!

Riele: Jace it's getting dark can you walk me home?

Jace: Sure

On the walk back Jace and I talked about random stuff. We talked about the show and debated whether Dan would get someone from one of his old shows to guest star next season. We were at my house before we even realised.

Riele: Ok well... Goodnight

I gave him a quick peck. He simply smirked and kissed me again. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. He tried to deepen the kiss so I pulled away.

Jace: Hey I wasn't finished!

He said pouting. He's so cute☺☺☺

Riele: Well I was

He playfully rolled his eyes.

Jace: Whatever... So I'll see you tomorrow right?

Riele: Yup. Pick me up at 8?

Jace: Sure. I'll see you tomorrow

He said walking away. Once he was out of sight I took a deep breath preparing myself for the worst. When I got in the house I saw both my parents with bottles of whisky in their hands. Their hair was all over the place and their eyes were blood shot red. My "mother" gave me the meanest glare I've ever received. She then walked straight up to me, she got all in my face then she slapped me. Hard. I stumbled to the ground and touched my cheek. There was blood. She signaled for my "dad" to come over. He joined her by kicking my stomach. I held my stomach in pure agony as I coughed up a bit of blood.

This is gonna be a long and painful night...
Another chapter done!
What did you think???
What should happen next???
Don't worry more Jaele is on the way!
Next chapter... We see the rest of the beating💀

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