Why would you?

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Riele: Hey babe.... What's up?

I asked nervously playing with my curls even though I knew what was coming.

Jace: Well babe... I decided to come over to see if my girlfriend wanted to do something but when I came I saw her sleeping with an empty pack of SLEEPING PILLS next to her.

Ok..... Maybe he didn't see the messages.... Then again.... He was holding my phone....

Riele: Oh.... Anything else?

Jace: Well there was this other thing... There were these messages showing on her phone from none other than Maeve and I did NOT like what she was saying

He said with a hint of anger in his voice. I fiddled with my fingers avoiding eye contact.

Riele: You're angry with me aren't you?

Jace: A little.

Riele: I'm guessing I can't escape or avoid this...

Jace: Don't even try.

Riele: What are you gonna deal with first?

Jace: Sleeping pills. Do you know how bad they are for you?

Riele: Yes.

I'm not gonna lie. I know they're not good for my health. I knew it then and I didn't care. I still don't care now. I just needed to sleep and I wouldn't have been able to without them.

Jace: Then why did you have a whole pack?

Riele: I just needed them. I knew they were bad but I didn't care. I'm not sorry for taking them either. I needed sleep and the pills were the only that would cause it.

Jace: Still.... Why not 1?

Riele: I didn't think one was enough.

He sighed and kissed my forehead.

Jace: Ok I understand. Just promise you won't have a full pack again?

I was slightly hesitant. I'm not sure if that's a promise I can keep.

Riele: I promise

Jace: Good. Now for the next thing.

Oh no. The topic I'm really scared of. Maeve.

Jace: I saw the messages Maeve was sending you Rie. Why wouldn't you tell me about it?

Riele: I didn't think it was a big deal.

I shrugged simply trying to keep all my answers vague and straight forward.

Jace: That was cyber bullying Riele. It's ALWAYS a big deal. How could you let someone say that stuff to you?

Riele: I.... I guess I was too scared to stop her...

I said looking down. It's not like I was lying. I was scared. A lot.

Jace: I could've helped you. We hang out with Maeve every day. I could've stopped this ages ago

Riele: And how would that help Jace? That would just give her another reason...

I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

Jace: You can't let her get away with this! It's not fair to you!

Riele: I don't care about it!

Jace: Well I do! I'm not gonna let someone say this to you!

Riele: It's not the first time I've heard it Jace! I see it on my phone in the morning when I wake up! I hear it every day on set! I think about it every night before I go to bed! If so many people actually think it.... Isn't it true? If I died... Would anyone care?

My voice cracked towards the end. A few tears trickled down my check as Jace stared at me in disbelief.

Jace: Would anyone care?! Are you being serious?! I'd care! And Sean would! And Ella would! Dan, Kira, Jack, Isabela, Owen, Jaheem and so many other people would care!

He grabbed my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.

Riele: Please just drop it...

Jace: I'm sorry but this time I can't

Riele: What?

Jace: How am I meant to let go of the fact that one of MY friends is bullying you?

Riele: Look I don't even care

I lied. Obviously I care but he doesn't need to know that.

Jace: Yes you do. We both know it.

Riele: I hear it all the time, I'm just not affected by it anymore

I shrugged.

Jace: Look straight in my eyes. Tell me you don't care and I'll believe you.

I looked him in the eye and something just changed. I felt weak and all those emotions I thought I didn't have came rushing back to me. Hate flashed in my mind. Tears welled in my eyes.

Riele: I'm.... Fine...

I barely got the words out. I used to believe I was always fine. Now I'm not so sure if I believe myself.

Jace: Do you believe that?

I looked down and shook my head. Jace sighed and pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest. It feels nice to let these tears out. I normally HATE crying. I always thought of crying as a sign of weakness but now I see it's not. Crying is just a way of letting out emotions.

I know I've cried before but something about this time felt different. It feels like these are the tears that never came out before.

I've needed to cry for a long time.
Ok I'm really annoyed with the hate Riele's been getting lately! Who cares if she was roasted by RiceGum? He's a stupid YouTuber! Someone actually called her UGLY AND STUPID! Honestly all the L's are almost as stupid as the people commenting them!😡

Now for a sad announcement... It took a long time to decide this... I'd like to announce that Fake Smiles will be ending this summer...😔

Sorry but every book can only have so many chapters. There are around 10 chapters left of this book that I will start writing tomorrow.

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