Not Good Enough

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Jace: Riele why? Why do you do this? Why do you hurt yourself? Tell me please.

She let out a sigh before answering.

Riele: After I got beat I felt ugly, I felt... Ashamed. I know that sounds really weird but after it happened I felt like it had happened for a reason. Like somehow I deserved it.

Jace: How could you deserve to be beaten?

Riele: They said stuff to me Jace. They called me names and told me no one wanted me. I was told that I wasn't wanted, wasn't needed and that they hoped I would die. I was called a mistake and was told I was worthless. And as crazy as it sounds... I guess... I believed them. Maybe the beating was my punishment for not being good enough. I never have been and being honest, I don't think I ever will be.

She flopped onto my bed and dug her face into my pillow. I decided to lie next to her.

Jace: Come on, look at me

Riele: I don't want to

Jace: Riele...

She groaned before looking at me.

Riele: Why couldn't you just let me kill myself?

I simply sighed and kissed her forehead. I put my arm around her as she put her head on my chest.

Jace: Because you mean the world to me and I couldn't let you die.

Riele: Really??? After everything we've been through and now you know about my messed up life you still wanna be with me???

I intertwined our fingers and looked into her eyes.

Jace: I would want to be with you no matter what

Riele: You mean that???

Jace: Of course

Riele: I'm really happy I have you in my life Jace

She told me smiling. I smiled back as I looked at her. She's so beautiful. I just don't understand how she doesn't see it. Oh right. They've made her stop thinking good things about herself.

Jace: How long have they been doing this to you?

Riele: Yesterday was the first time they... Beat me. In general they've been putting me down since I was 5.

Jace: Wait since you were 5? But why would they throw you those birthday parties?

Riele: They never wanted anyone to suspect there were problems within the family. They wanted things to seem normal so we acted like a perfect family on the outside. Then behind closed doors...

Jace: That's when they put you down

Riele nodded as she looked down.

Riele: All that time...

She whispered as tears formed in her eyes.

Jace: What?

Riele: All that time... I wanted to cry for help. Faking smiles for everyone else... Always trying to be what they wanted me to be. Somehow it was never enough... Be honest with me Jace. Do you ever feel like you settled for me?

I stared at her for a few seconds.

Jace: I don't think so. I think we're equals. We're a perfect match if you ask me. Ever since we were 2 we had this dynamic that just worked. We've had this sort of connection our entire lives. I honestly don't think I'd be as happy as I am right now even if it wasn't for you. Just you smiling lights up my day. I love you.

Riele gave me a peck.

Riele: I feel the same way... Now I gotta get back home

She said getting up. I got up as well. I instantly felt worried.

Jace: Do you have to go back there?

Riele: Jace you know I can't-

Jace: I know but... They're gonna hurt you Ri

Riele: I can handle it Jace

Jace: I know... It's just... You really don't deserve this

Riele: I'm sorry Jace... This is the way it is...

I sighed as she kissed my cheek.

Riele: I'll see you tomorrow ok?

I nodded as I watched climb out the window. I can't let this happen. I have to make this call.

Woman: 911 what's your emergency?

I'm sorry Riele.
Another chapter done!
I'm in the UK but because Henry is in America it's 911 for the story.
Could you guys check out my book of one shots please???
What should happen next???

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