Addition to the Family

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Summary: They were lonely in the house, it being too big and quiet half the time. One of them decided to talk to the others about adopting a kid. So, when they got the chance, they decided to go through with the idea. It took awhile to pick who they wanted to adopted and the papers but when they made the choice, they were happy about it.  


Louis sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, leaning back in his armchair as the others watched TV and played on their phone. He watched them for a little before getting up. "I'm gonna head to bed, lads," he said softly . 

"Alright. We'll be up in a few," Harry said, getting up to kiss his cheek. 

Louis nodded before heading upstairs, not even waiting for his kiss. 

Harry frowned and watched him before sitting back down, leaning back. He had been worried about his lover for awhile now, noticing how he always got upset when they went out and saw kids with their parents. He understood that Louis wanted a kid, maybe even more, but considering they were all guys, it upset him more. And he was afraid to adopt, not sure how the kid would feel growing up with so many guys as their parents.

"I'm worried about Lou...he's been really down lately," Niall spoke, running a hand through his hair with a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"Yeah...he's been thinking about kids," Harry said, rubbing his face softly.

"He has?" Liam asked, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah. He told me awhile ago that he had been thinking about it. He said he'd really want one or two some day, but he knows that guys can't...have kids like girls can. And adopting scares him."

"Well...why don't we adopt a kid for him?" Liam suggested, putting his phone on the coffee table. 

"Yeah! Maybe it'll cheer him up," Niall chirped, smiling. 

Harry smiles and modded, leaning against Nialls' side. "Yeah. Let's do it."

*Few Months Later*

Harry gently pushed Louis down to sit in his chair, smiling softly. "Keep your eyes closed, alright?"

"Alright. They're closed, they're closed," Louis said, chuckling a bit. "What's this surprise anyway?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I just tell you it," Harry pointed out, laughing softly, motioning for the others to come in.

Niall slowly walked in and stood in front of Louis, smiling as he nodded towards Harry. "Ready, Loubear?" Niall asked, giggling softly. 

"Yes. You lads have kept me wondering for a week. I can't take the suspense any longer," Louis said, letting out a soft laugh. 

"Then open your eyes," Niall said, smiling. 

Louis slowly opened his eyes, raising an eyebrow when he saw an auburn stuffed rabbit in Nialls' hands. " me a stuffed animal?"

"Not exactly," Niall said, handing it to him. 

Louis slowly took it and stared at the Irish lad in of him before noticing Liam coming into the room, his eyes widening at the sight."W-Wha..."

Liam smiled as he saw Louis, chuckling as he was bent down a bit with a little girl standing in front of him. Her little hands gripping on to his fingers as she looked around. Blonde curls bounced as she turned her head and bright blue eyes wide in amazement. "Louis, meet Blake," Liam said walking her over to him slowly. "The new addition to our little family." 

Blake slowly looked at Louis and smiled, her curls falling in front of her eyes before she saw the bunny, stumbling forward and letting go of Liams' fingers to reach out for it. "Bun-Bun!" she squealed, falling on her butt and pouting a bit. 

"She's turning two next month. Also, she's a slow learner. Still learning to walk," Harry said, smiling softly. 

Louis slowly picked her up and placed her in his lap, smiling as she waved the bunny in front of her. 

She squealed and held her arms out, gently grabbing the bunny and holding it close. "Bun-Bun!" she cheered, giggling. 

"She's so cute~," Louis said, watching her. 

"She reminds me a bit of you, Lou," Liam said, chuckling. "The whole ride here, she was trying to dance in her car seat."

"And whined whenever we'd stop at a light," Niall said, laughing. "She was excited to get to her new home."

Louis chuckled and rubbed her head. "She's really part of our family now?"


"How did you lads..."

"You've been upset lately about kids."

"So, we decided we'd all pitch in and looked around for the perfect kid."

Blake yawned slightly and rubbed her eyes gently, slowly laying against Louis as she put her thumb in her mouth. Eyes half-lidded and small hands gripping his white tank top gently. 

"Looks like someone is ready for her nap," Harry said, chuckling softly as he rubbed her head. 

Louis gently held her as he stood, smiling when her fingers tightened  on his tank top. "No~," she mumbled around her thumb. 

"Stubborn one~," Louis joked, kissing her forehead. "Nap time. 

She whined softly but before she could protest, he started to rock her gently causing her eyes to slowly close and her fingers loosened from his tank top. 

The boys stared at her with smiles on their faces. 

*Three Months Later*

Blake screamed as Paul held her, tears rolling down her rosy cheeks and gripping her bunnies left ear, sobs leaving her lips. 

"They will be done soon~. Come on, please calm down," Paul begged, gently bouncing her as he sighed. 

On stage the boys were sitting on the couch for their interview. They could hear Blake crying from the stage, even though she was away from the backstage. The interviewer stared at them with a raised eyebrow, looking between them before asking, "Is she okay?"

Suddenly before they could answer, the screaming stopped and was replaced with hiccuping along with small whimpers. Small mumbles and footsteps could be heard before Blake ran on stage and over to Louis, quickly gripping his pants tightly. "D-Daddy," she whimpered, tears still falling down her cheeks. 

The audience 'awed' while Louis picked her up and placed her on his lap, rubbing her back gently and bouncing her softly. "She's been grumpy lately," Louis explained, smiling softly at the interviewer. 

"And for some reason, she only calms down for Louis," Harry laughed, rubbing her head gently. 

"She's so adorable~," the interviewer said, smiling. "What's her name again?" 

"T-Tommo," Blake hiccuped, sniffling a bit. 

Louis laughed softly and smiled, gently using his thumb to wipe away the remaining tears from her cheeks. "Her name is Blake Tomlinson," he said, resting his chin on top of her head. 

The boys smiled as they looked at how happy Louis and Blake looked. Sitting in his lap with her right arm wrapped around her bunny and her thumb of her left hand in her mouth as she curled into Louis, glancing around shyly. 

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