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Yo! I seem to be getting a lot of reads on this....if you count 11 views a lot! XD anyway I'm sitting here with my dad and brother watching the History channel and I don't like the History channel so I decided to write! Again this is something I just thought of on the spot! Hope you like it!!!!

Prompt: Liam has a terrible nightmare in the middle of the night but doesn't want to wake his daddies up. Luckily his older brother, Louis, shares a room with him and wakes up to his soft sobs and comforts him.




Louis-6 1/2




It was a little past midnight when Liam awoke from a terrible dream, or in others words a nightmare. He looked around the room, tears falling from his eyes.

He turned his head into his pillow and sobbed into it quietly, not wanting to wake his daddies or his brother.

Unfortunately for him Louis had already heard him. He got out of his bed and walked over to Liams bed. "Liam?" he asked, looking at the small boy. "Are you okay?"

Liam shook his head and continued to sob into his pillow.

Louis pouted and got into his little brothers bed. "What's wrong, LiLi?" he asked, rubbing his back softly.

"Ni-Nightmawe!" he sobbed into his pillow.

Louis pulled him into a hug and continued to rub his back. He didn't like seeing his little brother like this, it made him sad that he couldn't do anything to help him.

After a while of them just sitting there, Liam had calmed down to sniffles and fisting Louis' shirt.

"You okay now, LiLi?" Louis asked, looking at the younger of the two.

Liam shook his head slowly and buried his head in the crook of his neck.

Louis raised an eyebrow before he patted his nappy and found it warm as well as wet. "You need a change?" he asked, getting a nod in return. "Let's get you changed then go to sleep, okay?"

Liam only nodded.

Louis changed Liam quite easily, having seen his daddies do it a few times, and put him back in his bed. When he was about to go back his bed, Liam shook his head. "Sweep wif me?"

Louis smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah," was all he said as he crawled into the bed with his little brother. He pulled the duvet over the both of them and wrapped his arms around Liam, who in return snuggled closer to him. "'Night, LiLi."

"'Night, Lou," the child mumbled, yawning.

And with that they both fell asleep.

Soon it was morning and when Harry went to wake up the boys, he cooed at the sight of Louis laying with Liam snuggled together. He quietly called the others to come see and when they did they cooed as well. Harry took out his phone and took a picture of the moment, not wanting to ever for get it, then he woke the two boys up.

Louis opened his eyes and blinked up at his daddy. The whole morning he spent telling them how he helped Liam when he had a nightmare and changed his nappy and stayed with him so he wouldn't be scared. All three were so proud of Louis helping his little brother.


Well here it is! Sorry if it's short but I'm switching from app to app talking to my friends, texting my mom, and roleplaying with a few people! 😅 So I was a little destracted! I hope you liked it! 😄 Please leave a comment because I'm really starting to think I'm not a great writer.

Next story in a few hours hopefully!

Ciao, lovelies!


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