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So I thought I'd write this little darling of a fic before i go to sleep! I didn't write it down cause I just thought of it but I thought I'd share it! ^^ anyway~....

Prompt: Niall gets in trouble for something he he didn't do which makes him feel unloved and unwanted so while he's in time out, someone left the back door open and he runs out. He goes over to his Uncle Simons place and you will find out the rest! Hope you like it!

Liam: Daddy

Zayn: Papa

Harry: 5

Louis: 5 1/2

Niall: 2


Niall was sitting on the floor playing with his teddy bear while Harry and Louis were laying on the couch bore out of their minds.

"What should we do?" Harry whined.

"Anything! I might die of boredom if we don't!" Louis said, dramitically.

"We could play ball."

"It's raining outside, Haz!"

Harry rolled his eyes and sat up. "I meant inside, Lou."

Louis sat up and looked at him. "But papa and daddy said never to play ball in the house. And I don't wanna get in trouble today," he said, shaking his head.

"Don't be such a baby! We won't get in trouble," Harry said, getting up and grabbing the round object. "Would you rather be bored?"

Louis sighed and got up. "Fine but if we get in trouble it's your fault!"


They started playing while Niall watched them silently. It wasn't until Harry kicked the ball too hard that it hit a vase near Niall and broke it. Louis and Harry looked at each other as they heard footsteps coming down the stairs and quickly ran to the other room.

"What's going on do--Niall! What did you do?!" Liam yelled, looking at the confused lad.

"I--" he began to say but Zayn stopped him.

"How many times have we told you not to play ball in the house?"

"I no do it! Hawwy and Louis do it!" Niall yelled.

"Lying about it isn't going to make things any better, Niall. I think you need a time-out," Liam said. picking up a crying Niall and putting him in a corner in the kitchen. "You will stay there until your thirty minutes are up."

And with that the two parents left the crying lad in the corner without even seeing who actually did it.

Niall calmed down slightly to quiet sobs before he realized the back door in the kitchen was open. "If they no wove Ni, Ni run 'way," he huffed, toddling over to the open door and out it.

Once outside, Niall quickly started walking to his Uncle Simons place as it slowly started to stop raining, reducing to a sprinkle. Luckily he knew where it was since his daddies always took them there for Uncle Simon to babysit them.

Once he got there, he knocked on the door and in a minute it opened to show a sleepy Simon. Simon rubbed his eyes and looked down at Niall. "Niall? What are you doing here? Where's your daddies?" Simon asked, picking him up.

"D-Daddies no love Ni. They put Ni in cownew for some'hing he no do!" Niall cried, tears streaming down his already tear-stained face.

Simon closed the door and shushed him. "Let's get you changed and you can take a nap, okay?"

Niall just nodded and sniffed.


After Simon laid Niall down on the couch for a nap, he called Liam.

"Hello?" Liam answered.

"Are you missing someone, Liam?"

There was silence for awhile before Liam gasped. "Shit!"

"Yes well Niall is over here. He was crying when I answered the door. He said you put him in time-out for something he didn't even do, as well as didn't let him explain. He's taking his nap at the moment so you can come pick him up if you'd like." And with that Simon hung up.

And hour later, there was a knock at Simons door. He opened it to see a worried Liam. "Where is he?" he asked, frantically.

Simon pointed to the couch where Niall was sitting, watching Tom and Jerry.

Liam quickly picked up Niall and hugged him. "Oh god! Don't run away like that Niall!" he said, sighing.

Niall squirmed and tried to get away from him. "No! Me no wove daddy!" he yelled.

This made Liams heart break. "Why baby?"

"Daddies no wove Ni!"

"Oh baby. We do love you, very very much. We are so sorry that we blamed you fir breaking the vase," Liam said, kissing Nialls forehead. "How about we go home and watch any movie you like, yeah?"

Niall thought about it for a minute before nodding. "We cuddle?"

Liam smiled and nodded. "Yes, we cuddle."


Once they got home, Harry and Louis were on the time-out steps, crying their eyes out. When they saw Niall being set down, they quickly got up and ran over to him. "We're so sorry NiNi!" they cried, hugging him.

Niall hugged them back and smiled. "Me fowgive wou!"

After that they all sat on the couch watching Finding Nemo and cuddling. By the end of the movie, Harry and Louis were cuddled up against Niall all asleep. Liam and Zayn cooed at the scene and smiled.

Liam took Niall up to his room as Zayn took Louis and Harry to their room. Liam changed Nialls nappy then put him in his crib. "'Night, NiNi," he mumbled, kissing his forehead. "Love you."

"Wove wou too daddy," Niall mumbled tiredly.

They all had there days but in the end they sure did have one happy family.


I hope you liked it!!! Considering I'm falling asleep right now I'm going to go to sleep. Hopefully i have some requests in the morning! Love you all!!

Ciao, lovelies!


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