New Sibling!

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Ok so I just came up with this one when I got ready for school so I thought I would share it with you! Sorry for not posting so much. School is almost over so I'll be posting a lot more than but only on my phone cause we don't have any internet at my house for awhile.

Prompt: Harry and Louis have three sons and they want to get another kid but they don't know how the boys will react to their new sibling. Thing is the new sibling cames from a really bad past and is scared easily. Harry and Louis are hoping that the boys can change that.






Sibling(cause I wanna surprise you about the gender)-4

Its not the best prompt in the world but I try not to share too much information cause I like it when its a mystery. ^^ sorry! Anyway, enjoy the imagine!


Harry smiled as he saw Liam help Niall build his tower out of blocks out of the corner of his eye. He was sitting on the couch playing Xbox with their oldest son, Zayn, while he kept an eye on the youngest.

"Daddy? Where did pappy go?" Niall asked, looking up from his blocks.

"He went to go get your new sibling, remember, Ni?" Harry replied, smiling.

Niall nodded and smiled. "Are we...Are we going to be having a brother or sister?"

"That's a surprise~," Harry sung, ruffling his hair.

Zayn grinned. "Are we going to be big brothers or little?"

"Still a surprise, Z, but you guys have to promise me something," Harry said, pausing the game. The boys all stopped what they were doing and looked at him. "This new baby has had a rough past, okay?" The boys nodded. "They get scared of something easily and coming into a new house with new people may scare them. Its not easy being the new one in the family right Ni?"

Niall smiled shyly and nodded. Liam smiled and patted his head. Harry and Louis got Liam and Zayn at the same time then got Niall a year later.

"Just remember that even though they may seem to not like you or something, it's not you, okay?" Harry said, lookin at his boys.

They all nodded and smiled just as they heard Louis' car pull into the driveway. "Pappy's home!" Niall cheered.

"Stay calm, Niall," Harry reminded him as the door opened.

The boys all jumped on the couch and looked over the back of it as Louis, who was carrying a little child on his hip while they hid their face in the crook of his neck. "Well, aren't you lads excited," Louis said, chuckling and closing the door with his foot. He looked at then and smiled.

Niall stared at the child and tilted his head. "Brother or sister?"

"Why don't you take a look for yourself?" Louis asked, slowly putting the child down.

The lads stared at them with wide eyes as she gripped Louis' pants leg. "Kids, meet your little sister, Violet," Harry said, smiling.

Violet waved slightly as Niall stared at her. He smiled and waved back. "She's so pretty."

Liam nodded and smiled. "Real pretty."

She blushed slightly then was picked up by Louis causing her to squeak. "It's okay, love. It's just pappy," he cooed, kissing her forehead.

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