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Yo! Its morning here in the Sunshine State called Florida! 6:40 am to be exact and I'm heading to school! Cause I'm not a morning person and I don't feel like snapping anyones head off this freaking early which is too late for that anyway.

But anyway I thought I'd post a few ideas today since I only posted 1 yesterday! So here it is my dears!

Prompt: Zayn is the youngest with Louis coming in close second. While when Zayn is sick one day and everyone is paying attention to him....except Louis. Louis on the other hand feels unloved because no one is paying attention to him so he just stays in his room. But in the end all is fine and there's lots of cuddles!




Louis-4 1/2


Sorry if it's not much. I'm tired so my still isn't awake! XD Enjoy!


Zayn this, Zayn that, blah blah blah. That's all Louis has been hearing since he woke up. He didn't know what was wrong with his little brother but he felt left out that because none of his daddies were paying him any attention!

"Daddy ca--"

"Not now, Louis, I have to give Zayn medicine," Harry said, walking to Zayns room.

Louis frowned and flopped on the floor of his room. When he saw Niall passing he perked up a little. "Pappy!" he called.

"Hold on, Louis, I have to get Zayn some more blankets," Niall said, smiling quickly at the older of the two children before running off to get blankets.

Louis pouted and crossed his little arms over his chest. He saw Liam walk by with Niall and he didn't even have time to call him since they quickly went to Zayns room.

Louis puffed out his cheeks and stared at his feet. "Why Zayn get all attention?" he mumbled before he went over to his toys and started playing with them.

An hour later it was lunch time and Zayn was fast asleep in his crib. The lads quietly walked out of his room, closing the door behind them quietly, and sighed in relief.

"Let's go get Lou and make lunch. He must be hungry," Liam said, walking downstairs.

Niall and Harry walked into Louis' room to find him playing with his firetruck. "Hey, Loubear," Harry said, kneeling beside him. "You hungry?"

Louis just continued to play with his truck, ignoring him.

Harry raised an eyebrow and looked at Niall.

Niall kneeled on the other side of him and smiled. "Lou~. You okay?"

Louis kept ignoring them and continued to play with his other toys.

Harry and Niall exchanged looks before one of them texted Liam to come up to Louis' room....they didn't want to yell and wake Zayn.

In a few minutes Liam was in Louis' room with a confused look on his face. "What's going on?"

"Louis is ignoring us," Niall said, looking at him. "And we don't know why."

Liam walked over to Louis and picked him up. "What's wrong, Lou? Are you sick too?"

Louis stared down at his toys and continued to ignore his daddies.

Liam sighed and sat on Louis' bed with him in his lap. "Lou...what's wrong?" hr asked, Harry and Niall sitting on either side of him.

"You no care for Lou..."

It was very small and they barely heard him. "Of course we do, Boobear. Why would you think we wouldn't be?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You pay attention to Zayn more than Lou," Louis said, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Oh, Louis," Niall mumbled, pulling him in his lap. "Zayn's sick, sweetie. So of course we are going to pay attention to him a little more but we will always give you attention in the end."

Louis snuffled and rubbed his eyes. "R-Really?" The others nodded and he yawned.

Harry chuckled and smiled. "Looks like someone is ready for a nap," he said, ruffling his hair.

Louis looked up at his daddies with half closed eyes and laid his head on Nialls chest. "C-Can you stay?"

"If that's what you want, Boobear," Harry said, smiling.

So in the end they all ended up falling asleep, cuddled up on Louis' bed with Louis in the middle.


Sorry if its short but I'm still trying to wake up and I'm in Hostory class right now...yeah I'm texting in class what a surprise! XD not a good girl anymore mama rita! Ha!

Anyway, I'll add another later at lunch maybe. Thanks fir reading.

Ciao, lovelies!


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