Too Attached!

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Yo! I got a request for this collection! First request ever on this one! This is for @hopechristinahoran!

Request: Can you do a 1D kid fic? Liam is to attached to his pacifier (dummy) and his daddies try to get him to stop using it but he throws tantrums and gets upset that he makes himself sick or he starts to suck his thumb.






I can make that happen. I can even make him get sick and suck his thumb!....That sounded kind of evil, didn't it? ^^" Anyway, enjoy!


I think I should start from the beginning; All the boys were dating each other and were all happy about it. Soon, about three years into the relationship, they decided that they wanted to adopt a kid. They knew that there weren't many adoption places where they would let gay couples adopt kids. But they did find one place that didn't mind! So, they adopted a two year-old boy with brown puppy eyes, brown hair, and super cute. His name? Liam.

Now, a year later, they were all living happily together with a three year-old Liam. He was everything to them and he always made them smile like there was no tomorrow. So, this is where our story starts; Niall was walking into Liams' room to wake up the young boy.

"Time to get up, LiLi," he said softly, smiling down at the boy who stirred and opened his eyes to look up at the blond. "Morning, baby."

Liam smiled around his dummy and rubbed his eyes.

Niall smiled and picked up the boy. "How did you sleep?"

Liam pulled the dummy out of his mouth and smiled at Niall. "Good, pappy!" he cheered, putting his dummy back in his mouth.

The boys have noticed that Liam has been attached to his dummy more than usual lately. They really wanted to get him off it since he was getting older but every time they would try to take it from him he would throw a tantrum and in the end they would end up giving it back to him.

Niall sighed and walked out of the room, down the stairs and into the kitchen. Liam smiled around his dummy as his daddies gave him kisses as Niall set him in his lap. "You hungry, Li?" Louis asked, smiling at the boy.

He nodded and clapped.

Louis chuckled and put a plate in front of Niall. "You have to take the dummy out to eat," he said, pulling the dummy out of his mouth and putting it on the counter.

Liam whined and tried to grab it before Niall turned him to face the table. "Food first, LiLi," Niall said, holding up a fork full of pancakes.

Liam pouted but opened up his mouth and ate the pancakes.

For the rest of breakfast, Liam ate with a pout on his lips and the boys thought it was cute.

After breakfast, Zayn carried Liam to the living room and set him down in the play pen. "We're going to watch some tv so if you need anything just call us okay?"

Liam looked up at him and nodded. "Dummy?" he asked, tilting his head.

"You will get it when it's nap time, Liam," Zayn said, sighing.


"Because you can't always have it. You'll ruin your teeth if you keep using it," Zayn said, standing up. "Just play with your toys for now then you can have it when you take a nap."

"But want it now!" Liam whined, pouting. 

Zayn sighed and shook his head. "You will get it in a few hours when you take your nap," he said sternly, turning to go join the others in the kitchen again.

Liams' eyes started to tear up but he refused to cry so he just stuck his thumb in his mouth and started to suck on that. He knew that if his daddies saw him sucking on his thumb that they would be upset with but it was the closes thing to a dummy he had. So he started playing with his cars as he continued to suck on his thumb.

Around noon, Harry went to get Liam to put him don for his nap but when he saw Liam playing with one if his stuffed animals with his thumb in his mouth he quickly picked the boy up and played his thumb out of his mouth. "Liam, what have we told you about sucking on your thumb?" he scolded. 

Liam pouted and crossed his little arms over his chest. "Want dummy," he said, ignoring what Harry had said.

"We told you that you can get it back when you take your nap."

"Want dummy now!"

"Liam! Don't argue!"

Tears started to form in Liams eyes as Harry carried him over to the time out corner and put him down. Just as Harry walked off Liam started throwing one of his tantrums though this one was bigger than the other ones. He never got in trouble much so he was never put in the corner and whenever he was put in the corner he was quiet with the exception of a few sniffles. So when Liam continued his tantrum the boys were surprised.

After about five minutes of continuious wailing, they finally heard Liam calm down into sniffles and hiccups. They sighed and went to go check on him, hearing him cough a few times. 

When they got to Liam, they saw that he was sucking on his thumb, silent tears still falling down his cheeks. Liam knew that he wasn't suppose to suck on his thumb but the boys also learned that when Liam wasn't feeling well, he would always suck on his thumb.

"Li, you know you're not suppose to suck your thumb," Louis said, kneeling in front of the young boy.

Liam looked up at him before pulling his thumb out of his mouth and looked down, coughing softly. "S-Sorry," he mumbled, sniffling softly.

Louis sighed and gently picked him up, rubbing his back gently. "You can have your dummy when you take a nap and when it's bed time," Louis said, walking to the living room and sitting on the couch with the others.

Liam nodded and coughed, lightly gripping Louis' shirt as he sniffled. "I sowwy, papa," he mumbled, whimpering softly.

Louis rubbed his head and lightly rocked him. "You made yourself sick, didn't you, baby?" he asked, chuckling softly as he nodded. "Come on. Let's get you a nappy change than a nap. If you be a good boy during the nappy change, you'll get your dummy for your nap, alright?"

Liam nodded and rubbed his eyes with his little fists as Niall picked him up, kissing his cheek. "Come on, little man," he said, smiling as he carried him to his room. 

After he changed his nappy, he smiled and tickled Liam lightly, smiling more as he giggled. "Nap time," he said, picking him up and placing him in his crib, giving him his dummy. "You were a good boy so you get your dummy. But remember it's only for naps and bedtime, alright?"

Liam nodded and yawned around his dummy before slowly falling asleep. 


Sorry for not posting in a while. I've been busy with the other collections. I hope you enjoy this one. 

Ciao, lovelies. 

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