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Yo! (I seem to say 'yo' a lot.) How are my favorite readers?! Lately I have been noticing that I have been getting a lot of reads but no body is requesting anything. I can't keep coming up with ideas all on my own~. I'm not good at it~. 😢

😆 But anyway, I came up with this since I'm bored waiting for school to start so it can end quickly.

Prompt: Little Lily is sick and the boys are upset that she can't play with them. So they stay in her room to keep an eye on her.






Lily-3 1/2

It really isn't the best summary I guess. But I still hope that you guys like it!


A loud cry came through the baby moniter woke Louis from his sleep. He looked at the time and saw that it was five in the morning.

He got out of the bed quietly, careful not to wake Liam, then made his way to Harrys' room. He stopped when he realized that the crying wasn't coming from Harrys' room but from Lilys' room.

He instantly was worried because she never was one to cry or make any loud notices. She usually whimpered or made grabby hands whenever she was upset.

He quickly made his way to the youngest of the three kids and opened the door to see his baby girl hugging her stuffed lion with tears streaming down her flushed cheeks.

"Oh, baby, what's wrong?" Louis cooed, walking over and picking the girl up.

"D-Daddy. T-Tummy huwt," she whined, coughing.

His eyebrows furrowed as he frowned and put his hand on her forehead. "You're burning up," he mumbled, setting her on his hip. "My poor baby. Do you feel icky?" She nodded and rubbed her eyes. "Let's go wake papa and ask him if he has anything to help, okay?" She nodded again and laid her head on his shoulder.

He walked out of her room and walked to hhis room where he found Liam sitting up with Zayns' arm now drapped over his lap. Liam stretched and rubbed his eyes. "What did Harry need, love?" he asked.

"For once it wasn't Harry that was crying, or Niall. It was little Lily," Louis cooed, sitting on the bed with Violet now sitting in his lap.

"She okay?" Liam asked, smiling sleepily at her.

"She has a fever."

"Oh poor Lil~," Liam cooed, kissing her forehead.

She coughed into her lions fur and whimpered.

"I'll go run a bath with cold water," Liam said, slowly getting out of bed, or trying to at least. Zayn had tried to pull him back down with him. "Z, I need to get up."

"No~," Zayn whined then opened his eyes when he heard a horrible cough. He looked at Louis and saw Lily sitting in his lap. "Everything okay?"

While he was distracted, Liam quickly got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom.

"No. She's sick," Louis said, rubbing her back as she couched again.

"Daddy! It hurts!"

Zayn looked at her and frowned. "Poor Lily."

-5 Hours Later-

Everyone was up and lively except for Lily who was sleeping in her crib.

"Baba, where LiLi?" Niall asked, looking up at Zayn.

"She's sleeping, Ni. Lil isn't feeling well today so she's gonna stay in bed."

"She icky?" Harry asked.

Zayn nodded and sighed. "She's very icky. So I need you lads to be quiet and be good."

The boys quickly nodded and ran off to go play.

"You do realize that they will be worried about her and go check on her, right?" Liam pointed out, smiling.

Zayn nodded and smiled. "They care about her so naturally they will."

And boy was he right. Not even ten minutes later, Niall and Harry were peeking into Lilys' room who they saw Louis swaying back-and-forth with a crying Lily on his hip. "It's okay, Lil, it's okay," Louis mumbled, rubbing her back.

"Make go 'way, Daddy!" she cried, coughing.

"I wish I could, baby. Daddy doesn't like seeing you in pain," Louis said, sighing. He turned around and saw Niall and Harry looking in the room. "What are you lads doing up here? Did you come to see if Lil was okay?" They nodded and he smiled. "Well aren't you lads sweet."

"LiLi icky, Daddy?" Niall asked, walking towards him.

Louis nodded and sat in the rocking chair. "Really icky, Ni."

She sniffed and looked at Niall. "NiNi," she mumbled, slowly calming down. "Where Hawwy?"

"Here," Harry said, walking up behind Niall.

She coughed and laid her head on Louis' shoulder. Louis smiled and rocked slowly. Niall and Harry watched as her eyes slowly closed.

Louis sighed once she was finally asleep again and laid her back in her crib. He turned towards the boys and motioned for them towards the door.

They followed him out of the room and looked up at him. "I need you lads to do me a big favor," Louis said, kneeling down to look at the kids. "I need you to watch Lily and if she wakes up or starts crying, come get Daddy or Papa or Baba, okay?" They nodded. "Good." Louis smiled and stood up.

An hour later, Harry and Niall were playing quietly in Lilys' room when they heard Lily start crying.

Niall looked up and saw Lily standing up in her crib with tears streaming now her cheeks.

"I'll go get daddy," Harry said, running out of the room.

"It okay, LiLi," Niall mumbled, putting his hand through the bars.

She plopped down and coughed as she squeezed his hand. "It huwt, NiNi."

He rubbed her knuckles with his thumb and nodded. "I know, LiLi. I been icky 'fore," he mumbled.

She nodded and coughed as their daddies came into the room.

Half an hour later, Lily was asleep in Liam arms. "Her temperature is going down so she should feel better soon," he said, kissing her forehead.

Louis ruffled the boys hair and smiled. "You lads did a great job. We're very proud of you," he said.

Niall and Harry smiled and looked at Lily who was still holdibg Nialls' hand. He didn't mind really. As long as Lily got better he would be fine.


Well here it is! There's a storm going on here so I won't be posting much since I have to save my phone battery when and if the power goes out. 😅 The worst part is its a thunder storm and the lightning scares me!

Ciao, lovelies!


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