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Yo! Its like 3 am here in Florida and I'm still awake! The reason being is I'm not really THAT tired since I literally slept from 3 pm yester (after school) to 2 pm today! So thats like 23 hours of sleep!! So anyway here's another prompt I came up with since I can't sleep and it doesn't seem like I will be getting any requests! ☺️

Prompt: Harry has been grumpy all day; from the moment he got up that is. His poor teeth were hurting and by the time he tells someone he had already gotten in trouble, thrown a tantrum, and gotten a time-out! The poor baby!





Harry-2 1/2



Harry woke up to pain shooting through his mouth. He didn't knkw what was wrong except that it hurt like crazy! But he didn't have to time to cry because at that time Louis had come in to collect the young boy for breakfast.

"Morning, Hazza," he said, picking small boy up and putting him on his hip. "How did my little man sleep~?"

Harry buried his fave in the crook of Louis' neck as he walked out of the nursery and down the stairs. "Good, dada," he mumbled.

He was placed in his high chair as the others came down for breakfast. "Morning, baby," Niall said, kissing the boy on the head.

This made Harry smile at him since he was his favorite out of all his daddies.

Louis placed a bowl of Cherios in front of him and proceeded to eat his own breakfast. Harry just stared at the bowl as his mouth started to hurt again.

"Aren't you going to eat, Haz?" Zayn asked, looking at the boy.

He just shook his head and pouted. "No," was all he said.

The others looked at each other with concern before Liam took him out of his high chair and set him down on the floor. "Go play for a while yeah?"

Harry nodded before toddling out of the room. Once he was in the play room, he grabbed one of his stuffed animals and started chewing on the arm, making the pain for away slightly.

After about a few hours, Zayn went to go check on Harry. When he saw Harry chewing on his toy he frowned. "Harry, take that out of your mouth this insist. You know you shouldn't put things in your mouth that don't belong there," he said, picking up Harry and taking the toy out of his mouth.

"No!" Harry whined, making grabby hands at the stuffed toy.

Zayn put the toy down and sighed. "I think it's time for your nap," he said, taking him up to his room.


About an hour after Harry was put down for a nap he was awoken by Liam. He took him down stairs and sat on the couch before Louis handed him a bottle. "Here, pumpkin," he said, putting the nipple to the babys lips.

Harry shook his head and pushed the bottle away with a yell, "NO!"

"Harry! No yelling!" Naill scolded.

Harry didn't listen and just kept yelling. "NO!"

"Don't make me put you in the time-out step young man," Zayn warned, sternly.

Liam put the nipple to his lips again but Harry just screamed. "That's it!" Zayn huffed, getting up and grabbing Harry. He put him on the bottom step and looked at the sobbing boy. "You have ten minutes."

Harry watched as he left and burst into tears. He didn't know why his daddies didn't understand that his mouth was hurting. He didn't even know what he had done wrong.

After ten minutes were up, Niall went to retrieve the small boy. "Now will you tell daddy why you have been so grumpy today?" he asked as he sat on the couch with the others.

"Moufh huwt!" Harry cried, fisting Nialls shirt.

That's when Zayn realized it. "Is that why you were chewing on your stuffed animal?"

Harry nodded.

"And why you didn't eat?" Louis asked.

Again, Harry nodded.

"Or drink your bottle?" Liam asked.

Again Harry nodded, sniffling softy.

"Oh baby. Why didn't you tell us in the first place? We have something that might help with that~," Niall cooed, rubbing small circles on his back.

Louis left the room an quickly returned with a teething ring. "Here, baby. This should help with the pain~," he said, giving it to Niall.

Niall put the ring against Harrys lips who hestiantly opened them and started chewing on the plastic thing. Almost instantly he felt better. At least now his mouth wasn't hurting like crazy!


Well there's another one right on the spot! I hope you like it! ^^ I love writing! Now if you'll excuse me its like 3:30 in the morning now and I desperately need some sleep!

Ciao, lovelies!


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