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Hey! So yeah....no one seems to be sending me in requests and but they seem to be reading since i have 161 views! I don't have any more ideas guys! Please PM with some please!

Summary: Harry is in the park in the sandbox while Louis is playing with his friends. So when a boy comes over and starts making fun of Harry for having 3 dads, Louis drops what he's doing and stands up for his brother.

This i the best I can come up with! Hope you like it!







Niall put Harry down in the sand box and smiled. "Now stay right here where we can see you, okay, bud?" he said.

Harry nodded and smiled. "Yes Daddy."

"Good boy," Niall said, ruffling his hair before walking over to Liam and Zayn who were sitting at a bench across the playground.

Louis watched Harry play in the sand with a smile on his face making a smile appear on his face. "Lou! You comin' or not?" one of his friends yelled.

Louis looked at hus friend and nodded. "Yeah! Are you ready to lose again to the great Tommo!?"

He ran to the football field with his friends which was closer to the playground so Louis could still keep an eye on his little brother. He always worried about him getting bullied or hurt whenever they were out in public. He even kept an eye on him when they were home to make sure he didn't fall and get hurt.

Harry looked up to Louis so much that he wanted to be just like him. He always followed him around and watched him whenever he was playing football by himself or with a friend. They had a strong relationship with each other so it was reasonable!

Harry looked up to see Louis make a goal and turn around to smile at him. Harry giggled and clapped for him. He turned bak to finish building his sandcastle only to find it flattened with a foot on it! (Poor sandcastle....😢 may u rest in piece...s...😝sorry!) "Hey!" Harry whibed, looking up to find one of the bullies from Louis' class.

"You Lewis' brother?"

"His name Louis! And yes!"

"Lewis, Louis, same thing."

Harry puffed his cheeks out and shook his head. "Not same thing! D-Different!" That was the first time he said a big word. Louis always used it and kept helping him to say it but he couldn't til now.

"What would you know? You're just a baby! A crying, annoying, stupid baby!"

"Stupid bad word!"

"Just shut up! You and Louis both are freaks! You have three dads and they are all gay! I wouldn't be surprised if you both turned out gay!" The bully laughed and kicked sand in Harrys face, covering his face and hair.

The bully was pushed out of the way and Louis growled before kneeling in front of his brother. He started to clean the sand off his face and helped him get it out of his hair. "Did I get it all, Haz?"

Harry opened his eyes and blinked up at his older brother with tears in his eyes. "Yes," he said, nodding then pointing at the bully. "He called me stupid, Lou!"

Louis growled and glared at the bully. "Just beat it you jerk. You can pick on me all you want but you will never bully my little brother!" he yelled.

"But thats no fun if I just bully one homo~."

Louis was about to say something when the bully was pulled away by a women. "How many times have I told you not to bully that poor kid?! I raised you better than this!"

Louis snickered as he left then looked back at his brother and wiped his tears away. "The mean boy is gone, Haz."

Harry pouted and looked down at his destoried sandcastle. "And so is my sandcastle..."

"Why don't we both make a new one together? This time even bigger and better!"

Harry smiled up at Louis an nodded. Louis smiled and they started to build a new sandcastle while Niall, Liam, and Zayn watched them with smiles on their faces. They were proud of Louis for standing up for Harry and you could tell.


So here it is! Sorry if there are any mistakes! Like I keep saying I'm on my phone since the laptops don't help me much and I turned off the autocorrect for two reasons; I don't want my phone smarter than me (even if he is called a smartphone) and something I type might be changed and I don't want that!

Hope you liked it though!

Ciao, lovelies!


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