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Okay, So I have been working on my requests this week since I'm getting back into my writing after being really busy with school. I have been replying to comments saying "I don't put Zayn in my stories anymore ever since he left the group saying he was taking a break only to let out a single not long after" or something along those lines. I have been giving all the people who requested a story with Zayn the choice to pick another person to replace Zayn if they'd like and I'd continue with their request. 

Someone decided to reply to a comment I had posted on a persons request saying that it was management that said all that and that I was being unfair in my choice of not including Zayn in my stories because the others took a break and are doing their own thing. (Something along those lines since I'm not saying who did it) 

I'm not trying to start anything with anyone that reads my stories because I love all of you. You guys read my stories and it makes me happy every time I get a request on them. I am sorry for not being able to do them for too long. I'm in college now going for my degree in Computer Programming so I can make websites and all that for myself. I've been focused more on that then anything but I'vw continued to listen and follow the boys that I have grown to love. 

I don't hate Zayn, I love him. I'm not mad that he left the group, I'm not mad that he did what he did. it was his right to do as he pleased. But what had bothered me was that he said he was taking a break, management or not, he said he was only taking a break after all the rumors. Nothing else was told about what he was doing and even the lads were behind him on the break. They backed him up on it because they understood. But when he came out with Pillow Talk not long after saying he was going on the break, it upset me because I felt betrayed by him as a fan. 

Yes the others did the same thing but they even told all of their fans that they were going to be doing different things, spending time with family. 

Harry said he was going to be in a movie and he even cut his hair for it, his long curly locks

Niall said he was taking a break to be with his family and he even came out with This Town. Our little Irish boy came out with a single, hasn't made another one yet and is doing a lot of gulf. 

Liam said he was going to spend time with his family and write a few songs of his own. 

Louis had a child and has been fighting for custody as well as spending time with him (Though I may be behind on that part because, well, college is really stressful) and he even lost his mother to cancer yet he still preformed Darling, Just Hold On on the X Factor because that's what she would have wanted. 

I do not hate Zayn. He was part of the band that saved me. That kept me from the darkness. He's the Bradford Bad boy for heavens sake. How could I ever hate him? 

When I say I'm not putting him in my stories, it's not out of hate, it's because for a year he wasn't really in the band to be a part of it. 

Here's my comment back to the person who had been the one to confront me: 

"yes I get that. But the others said they we're gonna take time off and do their own things. Nothing was said about Zayn doing his own thing. It was only told that he was taking a break after all the rumors that were made about him cheating on Perrie which also caused them to break up. So he took a break only to suddenly let out a single of his own months later, not a word about it. So, am I being unfair? Maybe in your eyes. But we all have our opinions. If someone says they are going to do one thing then suddenly does something else, not saying that they might do that something else, it's wrong to me. I still have respect for Zayn. He's an amazing singer and his songs are great but while the group was still together he left "for a break" only to do his own thing that we weren't told about. The other four said they were on break and doing their own thing and visiting parents. They told us. I'm not trying to start anything here, this is all my opinion which I'm allowed to have. But since the whole group was still a group for a year after Zayn left, to me he left One Direction to start his own thing, therefore, he's not part of it in my stories. My stories are about the ones in the group currently and I have the right to do so. Zayn is amazing and I'm still a fan of him, I wasn't saying anything bad about him leaving the group I was saying that since he wasn't in the group anymore for the year they continued before taking their break to do their thing, he wasn't part of the group after that. Until he gets back in there, he's not part of it in my stories. So please understand I wasn't saying anything bad about him not being in the group."

To me, the year Zayn wasn't in the group and they continued without him, he wasn't part of One Direction at the time, he was Zayn Malik. That's my opinion and I'm sorry if this makes anyone upset or mad with me for thinking that. Like I said, I love you all. I love Zayn as well, solo or not. He wasn't part of the group for a year when they we still together before their break. As far as I know, until it is confirmed they are no longer together...until I know for sure my favorite band is gone, Zayn won't added until it's confirmed because Niall, Liam, Louis, and Harry were part of the group for a year before they went on their own break.

If you don't want to read my stories anymore or if you hate me, I understand. But we are all allowed to have our own opinions on certain things. That doesn't mean that hate is part of that opinion.

I will continue to write him in the other chapter stories I had been working on when he was in the group though. I do not like killing characters off in my stories and I wouldn't have him magically leave. 

I hope you all understand.

Ciao, lovelies.Savvy~

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