Chapter 4

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Here's a new chapter hope you like it votes and comments are appreciated 😊

I knocked on the bakery door and Sabine answered "I take you're here for the birthday girl, she'll be down in just a minute" she invited me in so I sat on the sofa.

It wasn't long before Marinette came down the stairs. "Adrien" she said grabbing my attention. I looked up at her "M... Marinette, y... you look b... beautiful" I stuttered back nervously scratching the back of my head.

Her dress was red, had sleeves that finished just above her elbows, a black underskirt and small roses on the bottom of the red part of the skirt. She smiled at me as I stood up and offered my arm to escort her to the car.

I opened the car door for her and climbed in after her. "You really do look beautiful today..." My eyes widened as I realised what I said and how it could be taken the wrong way "N... Not that you don't usually... I... I mean... Extra pretty today... I mean... You're always gorgeous..." I shut up and mentally slapped myself. So this was how Mari felt talking to me before we really got to know each other.

She giggled and I felt myself blush really hard. The car stopped and I got out lending a hand to Marinette. "M'lady" I smiled opening the restaurant door.

We sat down at a table and ordered our meals. "Happy birthday Mari, you like?" I asked hoping she liked it "of course I like silly" she giggled. I moved closer to her so I could give her a kiss.

"Adrien, the last nine months with you have been perfect, you don't have to try so hard" she smiled. I leaned in for a kiss only to be interrupted by a loud crashing sound. You have got to be kidding me, right now of all times, way to ruin the mood I thought angrily.

We left the table to go and transform. "So pixie is basically a female Hawkmoth, great" I sighed sarcastically.

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