Chapter 31

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Marinette POV

I woke up early the next morning "Tikki? What time is it?" I asked sleepily. She flew off to check "it's five a.m" she answered just as sleepily as me.

"Well I'm awake now, what shall we do?" I asked before answering myself "suppose I could finish this design" I headed over to my newest design and added the last few details.

By the time I was finished it was six still had three hours before school started "how do you feel about an early morning patrol?" I asked Tikki who had woken up properly.

She agreed and so I transformed. I patrolled for a while and was happy that nothing was happening before I headed back home to get my school supplies. "And now it's, NINE THIRTY! I'm late again" I quickly ran to school.

I took my seat next to Alya, wait, Alya? "Hey, where's Adrien and Nino?" I asked. Adrien had swapped seats with Alya months ago so that he could sit next to me and Nino could sit next to Alya. "Nino is ill so he's not here but I have no idea about Adrien, maybe he's got that nasty bug that's going around"

"Maybe, I'll check on him after school" I started to worry, surely if he was ill he would have told me. Then I thought about it more, he hadn't visited me that night like he usually did.

School finally finished and I instantly headed to Adrien's house. I rang the doorbell and Felix answered "hey Marinette Adrien isn't in at the minute, still hasn't come back from school"
"He wasn't at school" I saw his face drop, he was worried.

Sure he teased Adrien but he did care about him and it showed especially now. "Do you mind if I just head up to his room?" Strange request considering my boyfriend had gone missing I know. "Sure, you think there will be something to tell us where he went?" He asked as I rummaged through some of Adrien's things.

"NO! nonononono" I mumbled when I found the one thing I had hoped would be gone. His ring.

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