Chapter 32

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I woke up early this morning so you might get 2 chapters today hope you enjoy 💞

"I... Have to go" I said before I ran to Alya's house. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer "Tikki, what's happened to him? He doesn't have his miraculous and Plagg is probably still in Adrien's room..." I was cut short when Alya opened the door.

"What's got you stressed out so much?" She asked instantly knowing something was wrong. "It's Adrien, he's missing, his miraculous was in his room probably with his kwami and his brother has no idea where he is, I have an awful feeling that something bad has happened to him and I have to rescue him"

We both transformed and went searching for Adrien "we should split up and cover more ground, if you find him call me" I said before I took off and landed on a building. Someone landed next to me "Who are you and what have you done with the real Cat Noir?" I knew it wasn't Adrien.

"Before you make any assumptions, yes, I'm not the real Cat Noir but I'm here to help you find my brother" as soon as he said it he slapped his hand across his mouth. "FELIX?!" I yelled.

"Shh, yes, it's me, I assume that means you know Adrien. Listen when I first came here I wanted to reveal your identity, but then I found out that Adrien is Cat Noir so now that I think about it you're Marinette right?" I nodded "so anyway, I changed my mind about exposing you, and then I saw what you guys do so I'm going to help"

"Okay" I said not having a choice anyway "but you have to do as I say" he agreed to my only condition "then let's go find him"

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