Chapter 24

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OMG IM SO SORRY GUYS!! I thought I had already posted this but obviously I hadn't so here it is now hope you enjoy 💖

Ladybug POV

"LADYBUG NO!" I heard Chat yell. Next thing I knew he had pushed me and I was on the floor. I looked to where Chat had landed to see him fading into the shadows. "Chat?" I felt myself start to tear up "NO!" Firefox held me back "he's gone, we purify the akuma we get him back"

"He's right Ladybug" Volpina added. I pulled myself together it had just got personal for me. "We need a plan, and quick" Firefox started blasting small fireballs at the shadows heading for us to keep them away.

"Nice shield" I complimented as he shot another fireball from it. The shadow Chat Noir stood up and started attacking "I got him" Firefox smirked pushing the arrow in the middle of the shield. The shield grew to twice its original size and he ran at Chat.

"Alya, how do we stop shadows?" I asked quietly. She looked at me "we don't, but light stops shadows right and have you noticed that Dark Shadow never comes out into the open?" Now that she pointed it out I noticed she was right.

"Lucky Charm!" I received a small but shiny key. "What are you supposed to do with a key?" I looked around "I got it, I need you to be ready to grab the bracelet from Dark Shadow"

As soon as she was in place I shouted "Dark Shadow, it's me you're after" grabbing her attention. She stepped into the sunlight a little weakening herself enough for her to realise and step back into the shadow. I held the key so the sun was shining off it redirecting the light to the ally she was in.

"NOW VOLPINA!" I shouted, Volpina then grabbed the bracelet and threw it over to me but not before Dark Shadow touched her. I didn't have time to watch her change I crushed the bracelet and purified the akuma. "Bye bye little butterfly" I smiled as the purified butterfly flew away.

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