Chapter 9

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So the pic above doesn't really have anything to do with the chapter just thought it was adorable XD anyway back to the story 😉

I tried to help as much as I could even without Plagg. The Sorcerer kept disappearing and then reappearing. I watched and figured out the pattern "Ladybug there's next" I shouted pointing at a large building.

The Sorcerer showed up exactly where I expected him to. As soon as he realised that Ladybug knew where he was going to be he vanished again. He appeared next to me and grabbed me "you figured it out and told them" he sounded angry.

He took me high up the Eiffel Tower and gave an evil laugh. "Now Ladybug, Chat Noir and Volpina, give me your miraculous or I drop him" great, I was the leverage.

"ADRIEN!" Ladybug and 'Chat' yelled. It took me by surprise, this new Chat was someone who knew me. I saw the three of them take off their miraculous and place them on the ground. The Sorcerer dropped me anyway "Chat, catch him Volpina and I will get that akuma" I heard Ladybug shout.

Chat caught me "thanks" I said as he put me near a building "anytime" he winked. I knew I had seen him before his smile was way to familiar but I couldn't figure out who he was. Then to make things worse I saw my dad running over.

"Adrien what were you thinking?" He started walking me home. "I couldn't just stand by and do nothing" I replied. Ladybug came through the window "Adrien are you..." She started be fore she was interrupted "AND YOU, HOW COULD YOU LET HIM DO THAT, HE'S YOUR PARTNER, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HIM!" He yelled

"We protect each other" I stated "is that the case, then how could she let you try to take on the akuma without your miraculous?" He asked "she didn't know that I didn't have my... wait a minute... how did you know I didn't have my miraculous?"

Dad looked down "because, because I took it okay, I thought that if you didn't have it and you couldn't become Chat Noir you would stay away from it all" I got that he was trying to protect me but he also put me in danger.

"But that's the thing dad I am Chat Noir and you can't stop me, I'll help Ladybug protect Paris whether I can transform or not" I hadn't realised I was hugging Ladybug but I have her a kiss anyway. "Fine, it's in the safe behind your mothers portrait" he paused "the password is 2648"

"Well m'lady today was quite something" I said playing with her hair a little. "Suppose so, any idea who..." She started before I interrupted her "of course, how did I not see it before" I had just figured out who had Plagg and my miraculous.

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