Chapter 19

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256 notifications from you guys commenting voting and adding my stories to reading lists!!! Thank you so much it means the world to me and here's another chapter for you guys 💖

We waited what felt like hours before I asked Volpina to change the illusion slightly. Now it was Marinette leaving and heading over to the park which would be abandoned at this time of night.

As luck would have it the akumatized Volpina showed up "oh Marinette" she sang. "Bee, it's your turn, freeze her" I whispered. As I whispered, having the rotten luck that I do, I slipped from my perch and landed on top of the illusion breaking it.

"WHAT!" The akuma yelled. I had blown it. "Sorry looks like you're not the only one who has a few tricks up their sleeve" I joked. The akumatized girl gave a devilish grin "you have no idea what I'm capable of"

She created an illusion except it was a lot more powerful than the last time we fought her. This one didn't disappear when I touched it, I was trapped in a cage which was slowly getting smaller "come on Ladybug, come save your Kitten"

The cage I was in suddenly grew large spikes that were getting closer and closer to me. Without even thinking about it I said "hey, I am not a kitten, I am a furry good looking Cat and besides what do you want M'Ladybug for, oh that's right, you think she's going to give you her miraculous, don't have a hissy fit when that doesn't work out"

I was aware that what I was saying was probably annoying her more but it was also buying the others time.

"You think that if you have me looking like I'm purrfectly trapped she cave in an hand you the one thing she needs to actually help meowt, NEWS FLASH it's not gonna happen, your kitten yourself if you think otherwise"

"Did I ever say how much I hate puns?" She asked before she turned around to leave but stopped. I carefully turned in my now tiny cage to where Queen Bee Ladybug and Volpina had perched themselves. Queen Bee had successfully stopped the akuma from getting away, again.

Ladybug ran over and freed the butterfly from its evil. "You stupid cat" she said punching me "don't wind people up like that when they have you captured in a cage that could kill you" she added hitting my chest "meouch" she had hit a cut from the spikes. "You're hurt, I should have..." I cut her off.

"You should have what? Given her what she was after? No it was me that irritated her there wasn't anything you could do" I kissed her gently on her forehead.

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