Chapter 20

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Ladybug's miraculous beeped one last time and she transformed back into Marinette. "Princess, would you like a lift home?" I asked.

"If your miraculous will last that long" she smiled. I looked at my ring "I've got two minutes and I can see your house from here" I said holding her around the waist and picking her up.

I landed on her balcony just as my miraculous gave its last beep changing me back. "You got any Camembert?" Plagg wined. "Should be some downstairs, I'll go get some" Marinette smiled.

She quickly ran downstairs and returned with cheese for Plagg and cookies for Tikki. "See she doesn't complain about getting me cheese" Plagg said before devouring the chunk of cheese whole.

"Claws out" I said transforming "I should get going" I said before heading for the window. "See you tomorrow" I kissed her goodnight.

"Oh... My... Gosh... Marinette why is Chat Noir in your room?" Marinette span round "Alya? W... What are you doing here?"

"I'm wondering why you are kissing Chat Noir, that's what I'm doing" she sounded angry. "What if Adrien finds out, he'll be heartbroken" she said backing away to the door.

"Alya wait!" Marinette called after her. "I messed up I'm sorry" I apologised "it's not your fault, Alya was bound to figure something out eventually, we should probably tell her the truth"

"Are you sure about that? What if she puts it on her Ladyblog?" I was probably overthinking "I'll make sure she doesn't" she answered.

I agreed that telling Alya was a good idea but had to leave anyway "good night princess" I jumped out the window and headed home.

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