4 - Take a Picture, It Last Longer

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  • Dedicated to My Lovely Fans

Chapter 4 ~ Take a Picture, It Last Longer


Two days had pass since I woke up tuck in bed since I saw those hazels eyes, two days that I been thinking who does eyes belongs to and two days staring at Jason’s hazel eyes.

Jason sighs and before closing the book his been reading before staring back at me. I tilt my head to the side and narrowed my eyes at him. “For crying out loud woman! What is your problem?” He asks clearly frustrated. “Why are you glaring at me now?”

I opened my mouth but close it again thinking I might be wrong at accusing him about what happened two days ago. I had tried to convince myself that everything might have been a dream. “Did you come in my room two days ago?” I mentally slap myself for giving in temptation.

Jason’s eyebrow draws together forming confuse and amuse expression. “Are you telling me you been staring at me for the pass two days trying to figure out if I been in your room?” A playful smirk was playing at the corner of his mouth. I nod my head making Jason chuckles. “Sorry to disappoint you but I never been down there since the day I help your grandfather with your stuff.” I continue to stare at his face looking for any sign that he was lying but found nothing.

“Maybe it is a dream.” I mumbled to myself but not low enough for Jason to not to hear.

“What do you mean?” I look at Jason and shrug my shoulder, not wanting to let his ego go wild again. I stood up and made my way to my room, leaving amuse and confuse Jason in the living room.

As I reach the hallway I was suddenly attacked by someone causing both of us to fall down on the floor with a loud thud. I groan as pain shoots on my bottoms while the person who fell with me giggled. “Sorry.”

I look at Polly who stood up and continue to dust herself while Jackie help me up with an amuse expression. “That’s going to leave a bruise.” I said making Polly’s grin flattered down as it was replace with guilt. “So what can I do for you two?”

Polly grins once again and excitement twinkled in her eyes. “Shopping!” Polly and Jackie said the same time looking like little kids waiting to opened their Christmas present from Santa.

I groan and narrowed my eyes at them. I hated to go shopping or go anywhere that is crowded. The more people in the same building, the more chances of running into one of them. “Why can’t you two take Rachel and why do you want to go shopping when you just went the other day?”

Jackie held his index finger in front of my face. “First, Rachel is going shopping with Jason later after she got ready.” My chest tight slightly while I look at my chest completely confuse at the sudden reaction while Jackie let go his middle finger making a peace sign. “Second, we are not shopping for us but for you!”

I look at Jackie in alarm before looking at Polly who are both grinning widely that it reminds me of the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland. “I don’t need new clothes.” I protested while backing away from them while they took a step forward like predator stalking their prey.

“Yea, you do.” Polly said in her matter-of-fact voice. “School start tomorrow and the way you dress right now you would definitely be the next target to be humiliated.” Jackie nods his head in agreement while I give them my best what-the-hell look.

“Beside you need a new hair style.” Jackie said, involuntary I touched my neatly tied up hair asking myself what was wrong with it.

“Are you saying you two are giving me a make over?” I ask in panic while the two nod their head. My eyes wide and when I realise Polly and Jackie took a step closer to me I turn on my heels to run away only to be pulled by a strong arm while my back press to his chest.

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