13 - Friendship and Forgiveness

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Chapter 13 ~ Friendship and Forgiveness


Happily I jump onto my bed, glad to be out of the hell hole called hospital. Truth to be told the nurses and doctors at St Luke’s hospital were all nice, even the patient who randomly roaming around the building were nice. The only reason I hate hospital was because it’s always filled with ghost.

The only places that ghost like to hang out are the hospital, not the cemetery or the ‘haunted house’ but the hospital. Every ghost seems to drift towards the hospital and seems to be stuck in there.

“I’m so tired.” I grumbled to myself before I yawned.

I was only there for three days but those three days I barely had any sleeps. It’s seems like some ghost saw me talking to Leona and Will and decide to give me a visit every freaking seconds and if it wasn’t for Leona and Will chasing them out, I’ll probably gone crazy at the amount of ghost asking for my help.

I mean listening to them talking at the same time had already gave me a headache and resulting to fainting and that result to making me under go some testes and making me stay for another day longer.

Lassie had visit many times and each time she visit she would apologize for what happen even though it wasn’t her fault but she insist it was because it happen inside her house which I have to remind her that it wasn’t her house anymore because she was moving out.

“Wow, you look shit.” Leona said.

“Thanks.” I said with sarcasm but she seems to not notice it because she told me it was no problem. “Where’s Will?” I ask surprise that Will didn’t show up. It’s like the two had been hanging out or something because as soon as Leona grace me with her presence Will would follow suit or it’s just a weird conscience.

There were even times that I think they’re sleeping together somewhere. Will found out about that though and laughs at my face. He told me, Leona wasn’t his type because she seems fake and very annoying company. He did admit that Leona got a nice body but told me it was shame that she had an annoying voice and accent.

Leona shrugs her shoulder before walking around my room, studying everything and asking question. I wouldn’t be surprise though. It’s her first time that she was able to get inside the house.

“I still think this is weird.” I look at her back confuse. “I tried so hard to come inside this house but it wouldn’t let me in and now I just thought to see if you got home and I was expecting to materialize outside the house like usual but the next thing I knew I was staring at you in your room!”

By now she had finish looking at my room and now walking towards my walk-in wardrobe. “Wow, that’s great.” I said in fake enthusiasm and in a sarcastic tone.

Leona however was so dense and officially stupid because she answered me with such high enthusiasm. “I know right! We could hang out and gossip about anyone.” Leona pops her head out through the door of my wardrobe with a mischievous and a sly smile on her face. “I could watch Jason have a shower!”

“Ew!” I said disgust. “You’re such a pervert.” I shake my head side to side while Leona seems to just ignore me and went back to checking my clothes.

I lay on my bed, trying to get a bit of sleep before dinner but found it very difficult task because Leona keeps squealing whenever she see a clothes she like or asking me question how I can afford designers clothes and so-so.

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