14 - Jealous Much?

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Hi Everyone!

I’ll make this really short.

I just want to let you know that I got a new story out. It’s called Hidden Truth and I’m wondering if you can give it a chance and read it. I would really appreciate what you think about it because it’s the first story I wrote. >.< Oh, it’s a werewolf story if you don’t mind that. :)

On with the story!


Chapter 14 ~ Jealous Much?


“Dinner!” Grandma Mo’s voice echoed through the whole house and soon followed by running footsteps that sounds more like thunder.

I grumbled and stomp my feet like a five years old while Will chuckles at me as we pulled apart. “See you tonight, my JJ.” He said before he disappeared somewhere.

I blushed at the second last word he use and felt a strange feeling in my stomach like…like there’s something dancing in my stomach.

I slap my hand on my face as I made my way to the dinning hall. Get a hold of yourself!

I was late for four minutes but Grandma Mo didn’t mind after all I just got out of the hospital and still think I need a few more rest before I start walking around.

“So, what are you young kids going to do this weekend?” Grandpa Pete asks before stuffing his mouth with chicken.

“We’re all planning to hang out at the beach.” Jackie said after swallowing his food. “You can come, if you like.”

Grandpa Pete chuckles and smile at Jackie whole-heartedly. “We’ll love to but unfortunately an important client is coming over tomorrow.”

“Well that’s a bump.” Andy said clearly disappointed. “The last time we all hang out was before summer.”

“Maybe next week we can all go for a picnic.” Grandma Mo said happily making everyone’s eyes lit up as they all look at Grandma Mo. “Oh, make sure to keep an eye on Jillian. I don’t want to receive another phone call from the hospital and nearly giving me a heart attack from worries.”

Grandma Mo looks at me as well as everyone and I felt my whole face heat up as I blushed. “It was an accident. It wasn’t my fault.” I mumbled making everyone laughs.

We continue to chat and share what we done today but for me I had nothing to share since I wasn’t in school and there’s nothing to do in the hospital.

“Jill!” Polly called after me just before I turn the knob on my door. I turn around to see Polly jogging towards me. “The guys and I are going to watch a movie. Do you want to join us?”

“Sure, why not?” We both walk to the living room, arm in arm.

There was popcorn, drinks and crisp on the coffee table while everyone was seated. Andy was sitting on the arm chair on the right side of the living room next to the love seat where Danny and Jackie was seat down. Travis, Nick and Brad sat in front on them on the bean bag while Rachel was sat on the sofa alone with Jason no where in sight.

I felt a sting of disappointment when I didn’t see Jason in sight but the feeling didn’t last long because the next thing I knew Polly was dragging me to seat with Rachel.

Polly sat next to Rachel as she was still aware of what Rachel was feeling for me at the moment, after all the two are like BFF while I sat next to her letting my body relax against the sofa.

“What are we watching?” I ask curiously.

“Jason is getting it.” Travis said before popping three popcorns into his mouth.

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