15 - Her Evil Smile

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Chapter 15 ~ Her Evil Smile


It will be a lie if I said I wasn’t surprise but truth to be told, I was half surprise and half not. Why? I don’t know as well, all I knew is deep down I already knew he likes me but I seems to like to deny this little fact.

“I…” Will trailed off looking somewhere else than me. “I need to go.” He whispers. I was about to stop him but he suddenly just disappear before I could even say anything.

I grunt and stomp my foot. I know, it was immature but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to know if its true and if he really have some feeling for me but now, I got a feeling he’ll be ignoring me from now on.

I sigh and quickly changed into a tank top with matching short shorts. Tucking myself in bed and waited for the sleep to take over. I was tired and my body seems to hurt everywhere and all I wanted at that moment was to get some goodnight sleep.

However, my mind seems to have a different plan. I lie awake thinking about all the things that happen today. How I kissed Jason back and now I think he thinks we’re an item now and how I think Will hates me now.

I groan feeling restless as I toss around the bed. Getting out off the bed, I quickly run to my bag and pulled out my iPod. I jump in my bed and made my way under my covers before listening to my music.

The Boys by Girls Generation soon blast through my headphones. Half way through my music I found myself relaxing and completely distracted from my current situation.


Will POV

A knock on the door made me look up from the figure slacking on the bed once again. The door slowly creak open revealing a woman silhouette. “Honey, how are you feeling?”

The body on the bed didn’t reply but instead pulled the cover over her head. The woman sighs and made her way towards the bed and stop in front of it. She kneels down and places both her hands together.

“Your father and I talk about this and since it’s been over a month since the accident.” She said her voice fainting at the end. It was too dark to see her expression in the dark room but her voice was filled with sadness. “It would be best if we all move on with our life.”

The body on the bed pulled the cover down. “Are you moving on?” she asks the woman, her once melodic voice was now rough from all the crying at night she did since the accident.

“I…” The woman trailed off before she sniffs. “I have to.” Then she cried. “Your brother would hate us if we are like this and you of all people should know how he hates people who just throw their lives because they couldn’t move on!”

The body sat up and pulled the woman into tight embrace. “I’m sorry mum. I didn’t mean to upset you.” The woman continued to cry and soon she was also crying.

A sigh on the door made the two look up. “I knew something like this would happen.” A man said before flicking the lights on.

I gasp at the sight in front of me. My beautiful mother and my adorable little sister was now a mess. Mother’s beautiful long brunette hair was now tied up into a bun and was now looking dull. There were signs of lack of sleep and her once glowing healthy skin was like her hair, dull and lifeless.

My sister was more shocking transformation. The sister I know who have passion for health and beauty. Her blonde hair was now mess up from all the moping in bed and was now beyond greasy. Her eyes were swollen from all the crying she done for the past month and her skin was now pale from the lack of sun bathing she done once a month.

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