The Separation

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"yes mom?" i asked nervously as i answered my mom's call.

"are you ready?" my mom asked, knowing that she's worried

"no, but do i have a choice? everybody is required to do it." i really don't know what will happen next. i seriously don't know.

"i feel you hon, i've been there before. Just a piece of advice, never forget the memories that you've built remember that"

"i know mom, thanks"  and she hanged the phone 

as i opened the door, i saw my husband walking towards me.
"how have you been?" he looks so worried

"im good, you?" and he kissed my forehead and hugged me

"i love you, don't forget that okay?"

"hmm," i nodded, wearing a teary eye. i don't want to cry but the situation made me,  thinking that after 5 years of being together, living happily. We will be separated. 5 years isn't enough to know your partner, to be with your partner, we're just starting, yet we need to do this, this early.

"shhh, just 3 years, can we do it?" he asked

"hmm" i nodded again

we hugged each other, until the time ends

i was crying all the way to St. Augustus, wherein we will find out who will be our next husband and wife

my mom was right when i first marry my husband. 

My hands are shaky as we enter the main door. Some are sad, some are crying,  and some are happy. 

For me, it is hard, really hard to face the reality that we're going to be married again. My husband, my used to be husband will be married again by another woman. So am I.

As the speaker went on to the stage, i began crying again. "shhh just 3 years honey, just 3 years, and we will be with each other again" my husband told me as he held my hands.

"And today, Ladies and Gentlemen i present to you the list!" the speaker announced as the names of new couple were shown.

I can hear whispers everywhere, even my parents are whispering. "sweetie" no i don't want to look who am i going to marry NOT AGAIN

"sweetie, you need to take a look" i am nervous to death, i'm crying...

but what makes me cry a lot was the moment i saw my name partnered with the person i loved when i was in middle school.

 Faye ---- Jake

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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