Sparkly Rainbow Unicorn Dessert Parlours

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~Taeeehyung logged on~

Taeeehyung- I'm so damn hungry omg

Taeeehyung- I want fooddddd

~JungIDontGiveAFook logged on~

JungIDontGiveAFook- Thank you Tae

JungIDontGiveAFook- Now I'm craving food

~PrincessJin logged on~

PrincessJin- Finish your packing first

JungIDontGiveAFook- Already have

Taeeehyung- I haven't finished yet

PrincessJin- Wait for the others to finish then I'll make somin

~SwagSuga logged on~

SwagSuga- I finished aeons ago

Taeeehyung- Wtf is an aeon

JungIDontGiveAFook- Your faceu

~RapMon and NoGummy4Joon logged on~

RapMon- An aeon is an indefinite and extremely long period of time

Taeeehyung- Wow

JungIDontGiveAFook- Of course you would know

RapMon- Cuz I got dat sexy brain

NoGummy4Joon- Sadly, that sexy brain is missing some gummy

RapMon- Says the one who has dirty water, no jams, no height and is always getting rejected by kookie

JungIDontGiveAFook- When you say it like that, I feel sorry for Jimin

Taeeehyung- Same *sighs*

PrincessJin- Don't start arguing both of you

SwagSuga- I think they already have

Taeeehyung- But you can't have packed aeons ago

Taeeehyung- That was before I was born

SwagSuga- Probably

SwagSuga- Not

SwagSuga- Since you're some creepy ass alien

NoGummy4Joon- Did you manage to pack your bed too?

SwagSuga- I wish

RapMon- I'm almost done

NoGummy4Joon- Tae, you have some pretty niceu clothes

Taeeehyung- Ik thx :)

PrincessJin- I bought half of them

NoGummy4Joon- I'm not surprised eomma

RapMon- Jin hyung, can I please borrow some clothes from you because I can't go into my room

PrincessJin- Since when do you call me hyung

PrincessJin- And yes you can as long as you don't mess them up in any way

RapMon- I call you hyung since forever

PrincessJin- Yeah surrreeee

~YourHope logged on~

YourHope- DONE

YourHope- Finished my packing up!!

PrincessJin- Good

YourHope- Now make us dat FOODDDDD

PrincessJin- Kk I'll get the stuff

PrincessJin- Oh...oops

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